chapter 49

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Zoey's pov

its been a 3years since amy and hayes died. I could feel amys presents next to our family. the funeral was 2 days after they died so they were buried in the same hole next to each other. it was very hard for all of us. after there death the guys decided to stop magcon and the last show they had  dedicated it to both of them. all the fans were crushed. Nash, Sky, Bro,Abby and I always go on Wednesday and Friday to the cemetery and we bring them flowers. our family gets amy pink roses and the griers get her daisies.  I get hayes white roses and they get him lavenders. pat and Emily bring her a mix of different types of flowers to both. Vianey had to move to London because she got selected for a big musical contract. Cameron stayed here and so did matt. all the others went on tour but they always come by to see them. time just flies. there was a digi fest in new York. we were all invited and well it was cool. 

question time.

patricia: when is Amy and your clothing line coming out?

answer;on feb 26.

nash: when are you realsing the new merch in aero.

answer; not sure.

Cameron; anything new?

answer; im getting married in june 8 with Vanessa.

Zoey: do you miss them?

answer;yes a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we turn around and see videos and pictures of them Hayes, Amy and all of us. my eyes began to get watery as all the fans sang the song that was playing with video.

digi was over and we drove home.

nash pov

I was driving because Cameron left home. matt, taylor, Emily, pat and Zoey were in the car. there was so much snow that I couldn't see. all I saw was head lights coming toward me and I lost control. taylor jumped out but we didn't have time. I opened Zoey's door and she fell out. the car hit a truck and began to roll until it fell on its back. I looked back and all I saw was blood. my eyes blurred everything and it went black.

taylor pov

I scratched my arm and saw Zoey fall out of the car. she ran to me and cried as we saw the car flip around and land upside down. all the blood that dripped out of that car. "nooooooo not nash!!!!my familyyyyy! HELP ME! NASH NASH NASH NASHHHHHHH! I LOVE YOU!" SHE YELLED. I got my phone and called 911 and they came as fast as possible.

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