Chapter 48

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amys pov

I felt horrible for hurting hayes.i guess this is all coming to an end. zoe and i ran away from the hotel. we were planning on going home until nash saw us and booked a hotel room. istill had all my stuff so that was good. nash and zoe went to go get food on the other side of the city,so I was alone......I felt alone.

hayes- im so sorry!

I couldn't handle his stupidness, I ran to my bathroom and grabbed a razor.slowly but calmly I cut myself,making 23 cuts in my wrist bleed a river.  I washed up my cuts and took a picture

group chat- I love you guys and there 20 cuts because there 14 of you. 4 family members (no zoe)and 5 problems. (PICTURE_ATTACHED)

I locked my phone and filled up the bath tub. my phone went crazy with everyone texting me. ignored it and in my suitcase I had a bottle of pills. I locked thr bathroom door and  grabbed the pill with a water bottle. I sat in the tub and opened the bottle, drinking 3 at a time. LOUD BANGGING was happening at the door. I finished the bottle and took my phone out.

group chat- I want you all to understand how much I love you all.your like a family to me. hayes ilove you  so much but you don't love me. I had a bracelet sky made me plus the one abby made me and hayes. its time. I sunk down and held my breath. it began to get blurry as ifelt aloud bang. iclosedmy eyes and all I could see is a white light.

hayes pov

I saw amys messages an panicked. I called nash and he said he was on his way! he sent us the address and all of us pilled in the car to go there. we made it there but the doors were locked so nash unlocked the first door, but the bathroom one was closed. Cameron and nash began to kick the door as me and Zoey cried together. patricia was curled up in a ball crying. they kicked open the door but it was to late. I took out my phone and called 911, Cameron pulled her out of the tub and she looked life less. pail with a small and slow heart beat a misleading pulse . the ambulance came and they took Zoey and patricia in the ambulance, we just followed. "this is my fault!" I yelled crying hard on carters shoulder. we made it to the hospital and we had to wait. one by one we went to her room to say goodbye to her even tho I knew she would live. I was the third to last.

I walked into the room and grabbed her hand, noticing the cuts. I kissed all 23 and look at her.

"amy im so sorry. I love you. there I said it, I love you amy! I didn't want to brake up with you I was just judging myself and how my judgment had changed after the kidnapping. I don't want you to leave so please don't! nash, Zoey, abby, taylor, carter,matt, Cameron your brother even sky needs you. so please come back to us" I finished saying, sadly I was in tears but I leaned in the kiss her. I had a facetime call from amy's brother.

"man please put me amy" he said. "listen sis I love you no matter what. tell everybody up there that we love them and miss them so much. I will always love you as a sister and as my bestfriend. please stay with us" he finished saying. "amy its me abby, I miss you sister! I want you to come back as soon as you get better. I love you with all my life." abby said. "i love you horsey friend. please come home to us"sky said. I hung up and kissed amy on the lips again. I walked out and saw her mom in tears. she went in and we wait. after Cameron came back she was cleared so everyone could see her. we all hundled next to her. tweeted for her and prayed. I held her hand and rubbed my thumb on her bare skin. slowly we heard the moniter gain a long beep. "i love you all" was the last words that she said. "what no no no no no no no no no no no no no this cant happen" I yelled." my sister" Zoey said falling on the floor. the doctors came in, "im sorry but amy has passed away" the doctor said. as soon as those words left his mouth my heart broke into pieces I felt something coming up. I couldn't breath, "help I cant breath" I said.the nurses came in but soon I hyperventilated. I closed my eyes and saw the white light and I saw amy. I ran to hug her, "hayes you have to go back" she said huggingme. "no im staying here with you" I said. "no you cant" she said. "yes and I wil" I leaned in and kissed her. soon we walked pass the doors to heaven.

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