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4 months later

"Happy birthday!"

"Thanks, dad," Nathan smiled, hugging me, "My first birthday adopted,"

"It is! I am glad I get to celebrate with you,"

He squeezed me tightly and then turned to Crystal, hugging her as well; she'd just served everyone up a huge breakfast while I got the kids up and last minute decorations out.

He took his place between Bailey and Elijah, which was where Poppy was headed to, so she sat down somewhere else, Cameron on her tails with her breakfast.

He was constantly like her little helper because now she moved around with crutches, she didn't have the hands. However, we were all grateful that she had recovered enough to use crutches now.

He perched beside her, then Crystal gave me mine and I sat at the end of the table, squeezing her hand.

"Why am I the only one who dressed up?" Payton asked, "It is his birthday!"

"Because we all just got out of bed," Jasper laughed, "You do have a lovely dress, though,"

Pleased with her choices, she smiled and admired her purple dress, but Crystal quickly tucked a tea towel into it so that no spillages caused tears.

"15! All big," Elijah said, "Did you grow overnight?"

"I think about a whole foot,"

"Really?" Lauren gasped.

"No, but that would be very cool,"

Once everyone had eaten, we cleared the table and Crystal and I got everyone drinks while the kids sat in the living room. It wasn't often we had everyone in the living room, so we only had two sofas, therefore some kids sat on the floor. Generally, the little kids didn't mind.

"These are from us, these are from the guys, and grandma and grandad sent you some money to buy a new game or something,"

"Okay. Thank you,"

"Where are your friends?" Lauren asked.

"They're not coming, Nathan wanted a family day,"

"But they are family,"

"He wanted our household family," I said, letting her sit on my lap, "Shall we see what Nathan got?"

She nodded and held my arms that were wrapped round hers, watching intently as Nath opened his gifts.

We had got him some football boots, and a new video game that he'd wanted. Cal got him some new gym shoes because he'd been going a lot with Elijah and Jasper.

Luke and Sierra had got him some new cds for Nathan liked to have a cd for every album he loved, and Ash and Kaykay had got him a football shirt.

Overall he was very happy, which was good to see.

"I got you a gift," Bailey said, putting it on his lap, "Here,"

"You didn't have to,"

She shrugged and he opened it, a box of his favourite chocolates inside.

Our kids didn't have to get anyone presents, but they all had their favourite siblings so they often picked up extra jobs to afford them. We didn't do pocket money, but if kids helped me wash the car, or do the lawn, or other bits like that then I gave them some cash.

"Thank you, Bails. I love them. I think this is the best birthday ever,"

"Dad, I wanna go and play,"

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