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"It is getting so hot," Luke said, "Surprised your pool isn't out yet,"

"Oh, it's coming out tonight. The kids finish school today,"


"Mhm. Elijah is running the house for the next few days, but mum and dad are taking the twins and Lauren,"

"Can we use the pool?" Calum asked.

"No. Piss off," Crystal laughed, "This is our pool,"

"She's joking... I think,"

She elbowed my side and I scoffed, doing it back.

"You're gonna wake Poppy up," Ashton said, "I hope she's okay,"

"Oh she's okay, she's going to her friends house tomorrow, she just didn't want to go back to school after what happened because everyone would stare, apparently,"

"How is Bailey now?" Kaykay asked.

"Her and Nathan made up, but I think it's still playing on her mind. We will talk to her,"


Poppy, who was laid on Ashton's lap, woke up, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm hungry,"

"Sit up then, you can have your packed lunch,"

"I don't want you to sit there," she said, pushing Ashton.

"Poppy, we don't push,"

Thankfully, Ash was amused, and crossed his leg over.

"Maybe I don't want you to sit there,"

"Yes you do,"


"You miss my cuddles,"

As if she never pushed him in the first place, she shuffled up to him and rested in his side, wiping sleep out her eyes. I passed her lunch, then Calum's page went off.

"Mike I could use your help,"

"I'll see you in a bit Poppy, okay?"

She nodded and I followed Cal, my page going off on the way.

"Please say that's the same trauma,"

"My page is just because the ER is getting backed up,"

"Damn. I will see you on the other side.

We split off and I logged into a computer on an exam room, immediately getting patients put through to me.

Whatever Cal's trauma was had left a lot of people with other injuries, and I must've used the entire hospitals supplies of stitches and bandages by the end.

I didn't waste any time at the end of my shift before heading over to Crystal's office, waiting patiently for her and Poppy to arrive back after the school run.

"Holy shit you scared me," Kaykay said, coming into the office.

"Sorry, sorry,"

"How has your day been?"

"A tad stressful but it's okay. I do know I will be going home to a bunch of very giddy kids- and school reports,"

"Good luck. That's all I can offer,"

Crystal poked her head into the office then opened the door for us both and let us into her exam room. Poppy looked pale, and welcomed my hold.

"Hey sweetpea, you're gonna be okay,"

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