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Once we had got to the office, Maaz told miss what had happened, and she decided to get the headteacher involved.

I had to follow her to the office, then wait as they found Alfie, Nathan, and Kayleigh. She scowled at me when she sat down, but thenAlfie came and gave me a soft smile, sitting beside me.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded and looked down, his knee bouncing.

Then, Nathan came, leaning against the wall.

"Come in,"

We all followed the headteacher into the office, Nathan sitting beside me on a small sofa before Alfie could.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.


"I was trying to help,"

"You didn't,"

I looked away because he had tears in his eyes, and I didn't want any more in mine. Plus I was meant to be mad at him for slamming the door and betraying Bailey.

"Right, I want us to talk one at a time, and explain the situation. Poppy first,"

I shook my head and he crossed his arms, sighing heavily.

"Poppy, tell me what happened,"

"Um, well. I'm- it,"

Nathan put his hand on my shoulder and I flinched, squeezing my eyes shut to rub them so no one saw me cry.

"Kayleigh threw a ball of paper at my head and it was a really ugly drawing of me, and yesterday she kicked my bag on the floor, and broke my lunchbox, so I got upset. Then Nathan thought Alfie had upset me, and Nathan is angry because he can't talk to his dad anymore,"-

"Shut up,"

"So- well... so... then he pulled Alfie up and started to get angry, so I pushed him and then pushed him away, and I think Alfie pushed him away maybe,"

"Alfie, did you?"

"He had my shoulders,"

"Mkay. Did anyone punch? Or kick?"

"No. It's nothing, Nathan didn't hurt me, he barely touched me. All he was doing was protecting Poppy,"


"Sir, can I go?" Kayleigh asked.

"No. I need the office to call your parents and tell them you're suspended for two days,"


"I have received way too many reports of you bullying other pupils,"

"I don't bully,"

"Yes you fucking do,"

"Nathan, language,"


"Alfie, you may go back to class,"

Alfie gave me a small smile then left, and the head teacher got someone to take Kayleigh to the office and call her parents.

That just left me and Nathan.

He tried calling mum and dad, but neither of them picked up, so he called Ashton which made Nathan begin to cry. I hadn't really seen him cry.

It didn't take long for Ashton to come- it was probably his lunch break- and he sat down on a chair beside us.

The headteacher explained what happened and I could feel the disappointment from Ashton,

"I am going to have to suspend Nathan for the rest of today, and I think Poppy should not remain in school for the rest of the day because she is quite distressed. I am handling matters with Kayleigh,"

"Come on, let's get you to your dad's office,"

"They're gonna unadopt me, and I can't even go to my bio dad because he just fucking murdered someone," Nathan sobbed, "I can't go home,"

"We can talk in the car, bud,"

"I just wanted to protect Poppy because someone had upset her,"

"I know, but sometimes the right intentions have the wrong actions," Ashton said, crouching beside him to comfort him, "They are not going to make you go anywhere- you didn't fight, that's the main thing,"

"I'm just like my dad,"

"No you're not. You are nothing like your dad. You are Nathan, a separate, kind, protective, and really intelligent kid. Come on, let's go somewhere private,"

I followed behind them and we went to his car, Nathan sitting in the back so I could have leg room.

"Me and you are gonna explain it to mum and dad, okay? I know you meant no harm, you're going through a really confusing time bud, and you're angry, but you are not like your dad,"


"And Poppy, I hope you're okay darling. There's always someone who is mean, which doesn't make it okay, but you are going to get much further than them, and it seems you have found some good friends,"

"I will help you get their instagram later," Nathan said, "If you want to talk to me,"

"Thank you,"

We arrived at the hospital and Ashton made us follow him to dad's office. He then got us food from the vending machine, but had to go back to work.

I still wasn't sure whether I wanted to talk to Nathan or not because he had caused me a lot of anxiety, but he was obviously upset, so I gave him a hug before moving away to sit in dad's desk chair.

With my headphones in, I turned slightly away, and just watched youtube while we waited.

"Right, let's get you two home,"

"Dad. Today has been so bad,"

"I am sorry princess, we can talk at home or in the car. I just need to talk to Nathan separately," dad said, grabbing my crutches. "I am glad both of you are safe,"

"I want momma,"

"Let's get home to her then," he said, hugging me when I stood, "And we can talk. You're not in trouble angel, Mum and I love you and Nathan so, so much,"

I nodded and he kissed my head, then we went down to the car and got inside. In the car, I didn't feel like talking, so I put my headphones in again and pretended to have music even though my phone was dead.

I didn't know why dad was so relaxed, but it worried me because he might explode soon. It was bad of me to have hurt Nathan.


Elijah looked up from the sofa when I walked in, and smiled. Cameron and Payton were in the living room, and Lauren was at the table with mum.

"Mum. Mum,"

"Hey sweetheart,"

"Today was really bad,"

"You're home now, it's okay,"

"I am so bad,"

I cried into her shoulder and she held me, hushing me.

"You are not bad. We will talk to Nathan, and then we can talk about what's worrying you. We aren't angry at you, promise,"

"But I hit Nathan,"

"And you know that you probably shouldn't do that again, so it's okay. Why don't you sit with Elijah for a bit?"

"No. Bailey,"

"Bailey is with Calum,"

"Does he smell of alcohol?"

"No. We won't be long anyway, I love you,"

"I love you too,"

"Now go and sit down with Elijah, he wants cuddles, I just know it,"

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