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"Goodnight angel. You know how you wanted a new therapist? I found you a really nice lady and she had said you can meet her on thursday," Crystal said, tucking Poppy into bed, "Is that okay?"


"Good. Dad will have to take you because I am taking Lauren to have her teeth fixed, she is having a little surgery herself,"

"Okay. Or Elijah could take me so that dad can go with you,"

"Jasper is coming with me, it's okay. Dad will probably come in for the first few minutes anyway,"

"Yes please,"

"I love you lots and lots. Sleep well,"

We hugged Elijah goodnight too and turned the light out, then said goodnight to Jasper and Nathan. I had a shower and them got into bed with Crystal, cuddling as we watched tv.

"How did it go today?"

"Paul was really relieved that she was okay, and she told her friends. I went down to see Alfie and her hugging,"

"They seem really close,"

"She was laid on his lap with him running his fingers through her hair the other day,"

"Hmmm. I am worried she might accidentally give him the impression that she likes him and then freak out when he tries to do anything,"

"Oh, she definitely likes him back whether she wants to admit it or not. Apparently Paul saw them cuddling and holding hands all day, and she doesn't do that with her other friends or siblings,"

"I guess. I don't know... she doesn't seem to like intimacy, that's all,"

"I think they have all had an honest conversation, he knows what she is like if thats their intentions. It's definitely a hard one to figure out,"

"Yeah. Remind me when her pre-op is again?"


"I hate missing weekend time with all the kids," she mumbled, "I know I sound like them right now,"

"I get what you mean, but it is only temporary, and it's really important to Poppy that we are both there,"

"I know, I will be there of course. I just feel so distant from everyone,"

"Poppy was saying that too,"

She hummed and kissed me, scratching my hair.

"Is it okay if I go to sleep? I had an exhausting day,"

"You don't have to ask," she laughed, kissing me, "I am tired too. Goodnight, I love you,"

"I love you too,"'


Usually when we wake up and someone has crawled into bed, it's Lauren.

But today it was Payton, buried in my chest, gripping my top.

I felt her head and it was burning hot, then removed the cover from her and frowned.

"I think I am gonna stay off. Or you can,"  I said to Crystal.

"No, you can, you're better at sickness than me,"

"No shit. Are you sure though? You could spend the day with the kids,"

"I need to go to work,"

"I stay off today, you stay off tomorrow?"

"I already am to take Lauren to surgery,"

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