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Friday morning was the best lie in ever.

No one woke me up, and then I got to be lazy in bed. Grandad even brought me pancakes in bed.

Around midday I put on some leggings and one of Elijah's tops, then went out into the living room, stopping by grandma to hug her.

"Hiya princess! Did you enjoy that lie in?"


"Everyone is out in the pool, would you like to join?"

"No thanks. I will have some lunch and read,"

"Would you help me make lunch for everyone , please?"

I nodded and followed, helping her butter the bread for sandwiches. It was the most I could do.

Grandad helped her take the plates outside, then I chose a seat and she put mine infront of me. She put some salad and crisps on the table, as well as two jugs of juice for everyone. We all had ham sandwiches because it needed eating, apart from Bailey who had told me she was now vegetarian.

"Happy Friday," Lauren said to me, "Play with me in the pool after lunch!"

"No thank you. I will watch,"

"Fine. Where were you all morning?"

"She was sleeping," Elijah laughed, "Something we were doing before you woke most of us up,"

"My princess dress was very important,"

"My princess dress," Cameron huffed, "That you stole,"

"It's mine!"

"No. Grandma made it for me,"

"Well I want it,"

"You can't have it,"

She huffed and took a bite of her sandwich, then conversation broke out between everyone. I stayed quiet. I was quite tired still.

Everyone scattered after lunch and Elijah offered to take me on a drive, so I agreed, Bailey asking to tag along. We said yes, obviously.

I sat in the front seat and Bailey in the back, then Elijah drove us into town, parking up on the side. He told us to stay there, then returned with three ice creams, passing them out.

"Our house can be so loud sometimes,"

I nodded and licked my ice cream- salted caramel, my favourite.

"How are you two doing?"

"Nathan and I made up, and I am still really mad and upset at my dad, but our dad said that I can go to therapy with Nathan again. It's good because I have been wanting therapy again,"

"That is good," he smiled, "I'm glad you and Nath made up. Poppy?"

"I had the best day ever with my friends," I beamed, "It was super fun. We played video games and I watched a film with them. Alfie let me lay on his chest because I was tired though, and I think I slept through the film. Also, his dad is the police officer who found my location,"

"No way!"

"Yeah. I got a bit overwhelmed,"

"I don't blame you," Elijah said, "I still feel very grateful for the social worker who helped me,"

"You fell asleep on Alfie?"

"Bailey," he scolded.


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