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"No, I am the best cook,"

"Maaz, you have set fire to kitchen towels way too many times to say that,"


"By mistake," he said, rolling his eyes, "Maybe Poppy is the best cook,"

"I am,"

"No hesitation,"

"I help cook all the time,"

Everyone turned their head as Dr George entered, smiling at us all- he always smiled. It was nice.

"Well I wasn't expecting visitors!"

"These are my friends. Maaz, Elliot, Kalani, and Alfie,"

"It's nice to meet you all. I was just coming to see whether you felt up to sitting in a wheelchair?"

"Not really,"

"It will help a lot,"

"Give it a go," Elliot said, "Once you have recovered I wanna teach you how to skateboard,"

"That'll be cool,"

"No, I will not go in the wheelchair,"



"Poppy," Alfie laughed, "I will even help you in,"

"Everyone else has to leave,"

Kalani, Elliot and Maaz left- Dad and Paul already gone to leave us all be- then Alfie stood, hovering by my side.

Dr George brought the chair over and set it by the bed, showing Alfie where to put his hands; I shuffled onto it with their help, and he rested my legs up. My right one just had the knee brace, but it was the most sore.

"Good job,"

"You can't tell anyone about that,"

"I won't,"

"You have to promise, Alfie. You have to,"

"I promise. What's wrong?"

"You just have to promise,"

Carefully, he used his thumb to wipe my tears, then hugged me tightly, resting my head in his chest.

I felt his chest rise and fall a few times, then sighed and shut my eyes, shaking my head.

"I'm embarrassed,"


"I just wanna wear my own clothes, and be able to do things on my own again, and you guys probably don't want to know me anymore,"

"That's not true. We came to visit,"

"Everyone at school thinks I am weird,"

"Anyone who doesn't take the time to get to know you is a fucking idiot. You're amazing, Poppy, I know that, and the guys know that. How long will she be in a wheelchair?"

"At least for the next 6 weeks. The cast should come off then, and she might be able to use crutches, but I am not rushing this and I know it seems harsh because I know you're upset, but I am not rushing this," Dr George said, patting my shoulder, "But you've got this honey,"

"You can do 6 weeks, give or take. We will help you out, then you will be able to do your own things eventually and we can play so much football,"


"If you want some normal clothes on then you can change now,"

"Yes please,"

Dr George got my bag and I chose a top, then he wheeled me into the bathroom so I had some privacy; I knocked on the door and he took me back out, all my friends back in the room.

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