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"Dad! Dad!"

I was sat on the sofa cuddling Bailey when Cameron ran downstairs in his towel, furiously crying.


"Slow down," I said, catching him as he almost slipped, "What's wrong?"


"I've got you,"

I picked him up and took him out the living room, down the hall with the downstairs bathroom. It had a dead end and we had build a little sensory corner for Lauren, but lots of the kids used it when they needed to calm down.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I have no more clean underwear,"

I wrapped my arms around him and swayed us side to side, helping him shuffle onto my lap.

"Well then we will put a wash on, and I will see if someone can nip out and buy you some for tonight,"

He continued to cry, but this was a fault of our own. Usually we were on top of the kids washing for this exact reason.

"We will get you some underwear tonight, and clean all of your clothes. I am very sorry that you have ran out,"

His crying died down a little bit, but I could feel his heart beat racing away.

"Would you like to talk about why this has made you really upset? I will listen to whatever you want to say,"

"I didn't have clean underwear before,"

"Yeah. And that must've been really hard,"

"It was. I don't remember lots, but it still makes me worried,"

"Well that's okay. If you ever run out of underwear again then you can come and ask mum or I to put some in the wash. In fact, I think we might have some spare in the loft you can have,"

"It's scary to ask sometimes. Like, if I have had a bad day, I get a bit worried about asking you to do extra things. You already cook, and cuddle, and clean, and drive us places,"

"We do, but if you ever need anything then we will always try to help. That's what mums and dads are for,"

He nodded and hugged me, his lip still trembling.

"And we will be your mum and dad forever. Do you know what that means?"


"You will always have us to help, even when you're all grown up. We will always love you, and wherever mum and I live, that can be your home whenever you need! We love you so much,"

"And for Payton?"

"For everyone. How about I make you some warm milk, and while you drink that, I will see if I can sort out some underwear,"

He nodded, so I wrapped his towel round him properly and took him to the living room, throwing a blanket over him. Adorably, him and Bailey then cuddled.

Once he had his milk, I went upstairs and pulled the loft ladder down, checking our our boxes to see if we had any spare underwear. Thankfully we did, for we had never used half the stuff we bought in preparation for fostering, so I called him upstairs and gave him the packet.

He changed into them and then wanted me to choose a fresh pair of pyjamas. Then he wanted me to look at his teddy, then his newest drawing, and then dry his hair.

Really, he just wanted some dad time, but he had trouble asking for it.

We heard Poppy and Crystal arrive back home, and he crawled on my lap protectively, but I picked him up and we went downstairs together.

"Hi sweetpea, how was that?"

"Okay. I have to have an appointment at the hospital on Saturday,"

"Well that seems doable. Are you gonna have a shower?"

"Tomorrow. My legs hurt too much to stand,"

"A bath?"


"Okay. Get into your pjs then,"

She went into her room and I turned to see Nathan and Bailey sat together which was a relief. Lauren threw herself at Crystal, and Jasper had finally left his room, so I sat with him and ruffled his hair, Cameron wiggling off my lap to join Nathan as well.

"How are you feeling now?"


"Good. I hope you had fun, enjoy going out while it lasts!"

"It was amazing. Elijah really enjoyed it too. I'm just so proud of him,"

"Any news from university?"

"Not yet.. hopefully soon,"

"They will love you," I said, watching as Crystal head upstairs to put Lauren to bed, "I just need to chat with your mum,"



"Thank you for looking after Lauren. I shouldn't have ever left this place... she will be okay, won't she?"

"You will both be okay, and if there's anything you need to talk about, you can. Why don't you catch up with one of the guys soon?"

"Yeah, I might see if Calum is free,"

"That'll be nice. I'm sorry we haven't spoken much lately,"

"It's okay, we are both busy adulting,"

"I guess we are. I don't like you adulting though," I pouted, "Make sure you get a good rest tonight,"

Crystal went into the kitchen so I followed, wrapping my arms round her as she poured herself some juice. I always chose the most annoying times to hug her, and she never made a comment, but her lips always twisted before she smiled.

"I heard Poppy has an appointment,"

"Yeah. I don't think her knees have healed right, or the surgery was done right... something is up. She might need another surgery,"

"Awh man, really?"

"Yeah. I can't do that. Watching her in pain is the worst thing ever,"

"Well maybe there are other options,"

"Yeah. How were the kids while I left?"

"Mostly okay. Cameron got really upset because he had no clean underwear, but I found him some more and we can put a wash on,"

"Oh gosh, I am completely behind on it all,"

"It's okay, we can do a load. It's my fault as well,"

She called for the kids to grab their coloured washing, then fit as much in the load as possible, prioritising the essentials to avoid anyone else getting upset.

Then we had so much that we could fill our second machine, so did that too.

We got the twins tucked into bed and said goodnight, then Bailey also decided she wanted to sleep.

Jasper hit the hay as well, but not before a long and heavy group hug with Crystal and I. 

Poppy was already asleep, but woke up when I walked in, and tiredly brushed her teeth, before returning to her bed like a zombie.

"Have a sweet dream angel,"

I got no reply, so shut the door and said goodnight to Nathan and Elijah who would go to sleep in their own time.

All I wanted to do was go to bed too after the events of the day, so I did just that.


Hope you all had a good holidays!

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