Chapter 2 - Astra and Purah

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Summary: Astra arrives in the timeline left by her father Link and meets with Dr. Purah.

Seventeen-year-old Princess Astra stood just inside the doorway of the small cave behind the Spring of Wisdom and turned to take a last look at her parents, Zelda and Link. She waved, and then, as the massive doors closed, her eyes filled with tears. She had kept up a brave front until now, hiding her secret and feelings to spare others. But she had been crying inside for some time now, heartbroken to be losing all those she knew and loved. She never felt more alone!

A moment later, what could only be a time portal appeared and enveloped her as she closed her eyes. And suddenly, a radiant golden light filled her mind, and a voice that was hard to describe spoke to her. It was a beautiful voice, strong and yet caring, and the mere sound of it uplifted your spirit. She felt the pain in her heart start to ease.

My dear daughter, let me wash away your sorrow. I am so proud of you! You have grown much in grace and accomplishment. Go now with my blessing and my love. And do not lose heart, for you are never alone. I am with you always.

Then the light vanished, the voice faded, and Astra opened her eyes. As she looked where she stood, everything at first seemed as before. But then she noticed one difference: the ancient Sheikah shrine behind her glowed blue now. Her father, Link, must have once entered that shrine. And as the massive cave doors slid open to reveal the Spring of Wisdom itself, her mother and father were no longer there, of course. The spring was deserted.

Flecks of falling snow melted on her cheeks as she stepped outside into the crisp cold air and the doors to the cave at once slid closed behind her. She shivered and pulled her cloak tightly around her. Fortunately, the warming elixir she had consumed still worked to help combat the chill. She stopped for a moment to say a brief prayer before the giant Goddess statue. Then, with a glance up at the gray cloudy sky and the tall ice pillars surrounding her, she left the spring and prepared to make her way down the mountain.

The nearest village to Mount Lanayru was Hateno Village to the south, so that was her first destination. Her father had told her he once owned a small house there, though she doubted she would be allowed to use it. She thought it was most likely a museum or a landmark by now, a memorial to the famous Hero of Hyrule. But her father had also told her that Dr. Purah might still live nearby in a lab on a hilltop overlooking the village.

The winding path down the mountainside began to her left, which was the usual route one would take if traveling on foot. But her father had urged her to take along a paraglider whenever she traveled. It's fun and handy to have, he had told her, and she recalled some happy moments they spent paragliding together. Anyway, having a paraglider allowed her to turn to the right instead and save a good deal of time. You could make out Hateno Village in the distance from the edge of a nearby cliff, and it was only about a kilometer away as the crow flies. She readied her paraglider, jumped off the cliff, and soared into the air. It was an easy flight, and it gave her some time to think.

The voice had indeed helped her. At first, it had comforted her somehow and helped ease her pain. But it had also reminded her she needed to put aside her grief and prepare for whatever Hyrule required of her. That's what her father would do. In fact, that's exactly what he had done here before.

Once her father had suspected that returning here might someday be her fate, he had used their time together to share all he remembered of the timeline he left behind. Among other things, he had said it would be wise to speak with Dr. Purah and explain who she was and what was happening. She recalled one conversation they had.

"Dr. Purah is much the same as she is here, a brilliant but eccentric scientist," said Link as he walked with her in Hyrule Forest Park one sunny afternoon. "She knows more than anyone about ancient Sheikah technology and about what we did to send me here. She can help guide you."

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