Chapter 67 - Digging a Hole For Himself

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Summary: In the Calamity Timeline, Fallon manages to cause Astra anxiety. Frank meets with his attorney and receives mostly bad news.

It was a cool sunny morning at Hyrule Castle when Astra awoke to the gentle chirping of a reminder notice on her Tab. Reaching for it on her nightstand, she read the notice.

Zel's birthday tomorrow!

"Right," she muttered, noting today's date was the fourth day of the second month - in the year 145 in this timeline and the year 61 in the other.

Her father, Link, had traveled from the year 121 in this, his original timeline, to the year 17 in the victory timeline shortly before Ganon's attack. Hence the eighty-four-year difference in dates.

Thinking for a moment, she did some mental reckoning. Her sister would turn thirty-three tomorrow. And her and Randall's son, her nephew Horwell, would turn eleven a few months later. For that matter, she would turn twenty in eight months. Time was certainly passing!

Astra hadn't had the heart to turn off family reminders on her Tab, though she could not contact them to wish them well. But she never wanted to forget they were still very much alive—just not here with her. She imagined her sister would still remember her birthday, too—she always had. It brought back a fond memory.

It was the morning of her tenth birthday. Her sister Zelda and Randall had been married almost three years by then, and their son Horwell had just turned one a few months earlier. Astra had already risen and dressed when there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in!"

"Good morning and happy birthday, my dear sister," said Zelda as she entered holding a small gift-wrapped box."I wanted to be the first and catch you before breakfast."

They embraced in a warm hug.

"Thanks, Zel, you're always so sweet remembering my birthday first thing in the morning."

"Here, I got you something," said Zelda, handing her the box.

"Wow! Thanks! Mind if I open it now?"

"Of course not. I hope you like them."

Astra opened the box to find a set of earphones to use with her Tab.

"You're getting hard to buy presents for," Zelda explained. "You don't like jewelry or dress clothes. You're too big for adventure storybooks now. So, I got you some new Tab headphones. They're the latest model, with enhanced features. They make music sound awesome, even better than listening mentally or through Tab built-in speakers."

"Thanks, Zel, that's a perfect gift. I love listening to music, especially during archery practice. But I know you're busy with your family these days. You don't have to spend time trying to find me a present."

"I'm never too busy for my favorite and only sister," laughed Zelda as they hugged again. "I will always love you, Astra."

"And I will always love you too, Zel."

"I'll wish you happy birthday tomorrow, Zel," Astra murmured as she got up from bed, freshened up, and dressed. It was time to meet her mother, Queen Zelda, for breakfast and to start a new workday.

Her breakfast meetings were a good way to discuss anything significant that happened the day before and plan for upcoming events. And since they were usually private, they could also discuss personal family matters, even those still kept secret.

She glanced at her coronation painting hanging on the hallway wall between her and her mother's bedroom as she left her room. She couldn't help but smile, recalling that viewing this painting when it was on display in Castle Town made Fallon realize who she was. And he had the courage to send her flowers, which she loved, risking a reprimand from his superiors.

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