Chapter 59 - Just Desserts

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Summary: In the Calamity timeline, Fallon gets some combat pointers from Astra. The three ruffians who attempted to kidnap Astra at Crenel Peak consider their options before trial.

Morning light struggled to pierce the thick storm clouds that shook Hyrule Castle. The powerful winds and relentless rain battered against the stone walls and echoed through the halls. Inside a small meeting room in the nearby castle prison, three accused prisoners sat across from their assigned attorney, Alton. Frond, Leon, and Rogan shifted nervously in their seats as Alton began to speak.

"After carefully examining the Royal Guard's report on the incident," said Alton. "I highly recommend pleading guilty to the charge of attempted kidnapping."

"Isn't that a very serious charge?" asked Leon.

"It is," said Alton. "If you had listened to the warning and backed off, you would only be facing charges of attempted robbery, which could result in a sentence of just one or two years. But your decision to fight escalated the situation. However, I believe I can negotiate a five-year sentence. Consider yourselves fortunate that the Royal Family is not pushing for harsher consequences. It appears they want to avoid too much attention surrounding the Princess."

Frond couldn't help but ask, "What if we plead not guilty? What are our chances?"

"If you insist on a full trial, be prepared for the Princess and the guard named Fallon to testify against you," replied Alton with a stern look. "The fact that you threatened to harm our kingdom's beloved newly crowned Princess is unlikely to garner you much sympathy in court. You could be looking at ten to twenty years behind bars, which is the most likely outcome in my judgment."

Leon's eyes widened in shock. "Twenty years? That's a long time!"

Alton gave a low sigh before continuing. "In ancient times, the Sheikah would have hunted you down without hesitation and ensured your lives were forfeit for even attempting to harm a member of the Royal Family. Count yourselves fortunate to live in a more civilized age. Five years in prison may seem like a lot, but it's nothing compared to what could have been."

"Maybe he's right," muttered Rogan, finally speaking up. "We will still be young when we get out."

Alton leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "And this is not related to legal advice, but let me just say that you don't exactly come across as the best and the brightest. Do you want your names associated with such a humiliating defeat, the entire kingdom aware that all three of you were easily bested in combat by a single person?"

There was a heavy silence in the room as the prisoners contemplated their options.

"Well, think it over and let me know tomorrow," said Alton, standing up from his chair. "Remember, you each have the right to make your own decision on how to plead."

"I'd like to discuss it with my brother Frank first," said Frond. "We'll see him at lunch today in the mess hall."

"That's fine," said Alton.

With a nod, he walked to the door and signaled to the guards waiting outside that the meeting was over. The prisoners were escorted back to their cells, their minds filled with thoughts of the uncertain future.

Later that day, as the prisoners filed into the mess hall for their midday meal, Frond, Leon, and Rogan sat down at a table with Frank. Frank, who only had two more months of his thievery sentence left to serve, wasted no time in getting straight to the point.

"So, did you meet with your attorney?" he asked Frond. "What's the verdict?"

"I'm not in the mood for your puns, Frank," replied Frond, annoyed. "Alton said we could get five years if we plead guilty but ten to twenty if we fight it and lose."

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