Chapter 11 - Relaxing Rain

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Summary: Mipha and Link spend a rainy morning together, during which Link discusses what he can do to extend his life with her. Robbie begins to work on a more powerful guardian using plans discovered at the Forgotten Temple.

"That was tasty!" said Mila as she finished the last bite of a fresh Hyrule Bass.

"It was, and thanks for catching our breakfast, sweetheart," said Mipha.

"Happy to do it! I caught Midon's, too, but ended up leaving it in the kitchen because he's sleeping in. So where are you and Dad off to today?"

"We were thinking of taking a relaxing walk to Ralis Pond," said Mipha as she glanced at Link, and he nodded. "We both have this morning off. There are no council meetings or ambassador calls or anything else pressing now - just time for ourselves."

"Lucky you!" laughed Mila. "I have a call with Revali later this morning to discuss something about Hyrule History."

"Unlucky you!" laughed Link, and then the others laughed too. "I'm kidding - a little. Anyway, say hello to him for me."

"Of course, Dad, I'm sure he loves to hear that you're thinking about him," said Mila. "Enjoy your walk. You may be in luck too - it looked like rain when I was out."

"We can only hope!" laughed Mipha.

They exchanged hugs and kisses, then Mipha and Link made their way down the path from Mikau Lake. Link glanced up at the sky, and gray clouds were rolling in from the east. When they reached the plaza, they stopped to say hello to one of Mipha's friends who was shopping for some fresh saltwater porgies at the store, then continued on their way along the western path out of the Domain proper. The sky was even more overcast as they arrived at Veiled Falls.

"Shall we stop for a kiss here as usual?" said Link.

"Of course! Did you forget we always do?"

They took each other in their arms, looked into each other's eyes, smiled, and then kissed several times.

"I still get a thrill thinking about that special day when we first kissed here," said Mipha after their last kiss ended.

"I wish I could remember it, but at least you described it to me in detail," said Link.

"I did, but I don't know if I mentioned my feelings. I was so nervous then, I had bubbles in my belly, as we say. I had planned to offer you my gift of the armor on the previous afternoon when we sat on Ruta's trunk together, and I healed your forearm. But I couldn't bring myself to do it! You were so quiet, and I couldn't tell what you were thinking. But I promised myself that I would offer you the armor the following day before you left to return to your duties, and I would just have to live with your answer. So I brought the armor with me when we met in the morning. You hadn't been sleeping well for some time due to all the pressure you felt, and after we walked to Veiled Falls and sat together, the sound of the waterfall lulled you to sleep on my shoulder. I shifted your head to my lap so you would rest more comfortably and get some much-needed sleep. And then the whole time you slept, I kept rehearsing in my mind how to offer you the armor, what words to say. Like should I begin with how long we have known each other, or how I felt, or ask you how you felt about me? But then you woke up startled, forgetting where you were for a moment, and before I could do anything besides calm you down, you leaned forward and kissed me. It was like you read my mind! I never felt so happy! Or so relieved either, to be honest. So offering you the armor after that was easy."

"I guess it shows what a little nap can do for one's courage!" laughed Link. "And believe me, far from reading your mind, I know I was terrible at reading your feelings. But it's comforting to know that if I hadn't found my courage that morning, at least you would have found yours, and we would have ended up together."

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