Chapter 50 - Getting Acquainted

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Summary: In the Calamity Timeline, Astra and Fallon meet to go riding.

It was edging towards late morning at Hyrule Castle, and Myra, the Chief of Staff for Queen Zelda, found herself at her desk adjacent to the Queen's office. She was engrossed in administrative tasks, her quill etching swift, determined lines across documents, when an unexpected visitor arrived.

A welcoming smile crossed her face as she greeted him, "Hello, Mandon, this is a pleasant surprise. I trust you didn't trek all the way here to tell us we've been inadvertently poisoned at breakfast?"

Mandon was the castle's principal steward, presiding over the food and beverage preparation, a task he executed with unparalleled finesse. He was a seasoned culinary expert, his skills first honed during his tenure as a cook in the Hyrule Army before he transitioned to the castle at the onset of its restoration. A quarter-century had passed since that pivotal moment, and Mandon had remained, his commitment to the job rivaled only by his pride in the exceptional culinary standards he and his team maintained.

Mandon chuckled, "No, Miss Myra, no looming crises of that sort. My apologies for intruding; I am well aware of your pressing duties." His voice sobered as he continued, "But I felt compelled to address a matter on behalf of my kitchen staff. Is there any dissatisfaction with our service from the Royal Family?"

Myra quickly reassured him, "On the contrary, Mandon. Her Majesty often commends your diligent efforts. Whatever made you think otherwise?"

His face turned serious, "Earlier today, Her Highness, Princess Zelda, found her way to the castle kitchen and prepared a picnic basket all by herself. My staff, always keen to serve, were slightly taken aback. They would have willingly undertaken that task and felt unsettled when she bypassed them. They came to me, their concerns fraught with the worry that perhaps Her Highness was displeased with their work."

"Ah, I understand," Myra quickly responded, processing the situation. "I sincerely doubt the Princess harbors any qualms about your team's stellar performance, Mandon. You know the Princess is a newcomer to the world of castle life. Having spent her formative years in different surroundings, I suspect she developed an independent streak, performing tasks usually undertaken by servants. This morning's incident probably sprang from her unfamiliarity with castle etiquette rather than a critique of your staff."

A contemplative look swept over Mandon's features, and he nodded appreciatively, "Ah, indeed, Miss Myra, that's a perspective I had not considered. Your explanation makes perfect sense. I will relay your words to the kitchen team."

"And I will ensure that Her Highness is informed of the custom of relying on your superb team for such tasks to avert any future confusion," added Myra.

"Your assistance is most appreciated, Miss Myra," said Mandon gratefully. "Now, I must return to my duties. The castle's lunch hour approaches."

As Mandon took his leave, Myra smiled and shook her head gently. Queen Zelda's office door had remained ajar during their conversation, and the Queen had inadvertently caught snatches of their exchange. Emerging from her office soon after Mandon's departure, her curious cat Mia trailed at her heels.

"Myra, could you shed some light on that exchange?" queried Zelda, a curious sparkle in her eyes. "I could only hear fragments of the conversation, but it seemed to concern the Princess."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Mandon was expressing concerns about the Princess's recent actions. This morning, she prepared her own picnic basket, a gesture that the kitchen staff perceived as an implicit critique of their capabilities," explained Myra. "I reassured Mandon that this was likely due to the Princess's unfamiliarity with castle etiquette rather than a judgment upon their skills. I also assured him that I'd relay the concern to her."

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