Chapter 58 - Mood Swings

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Summary: After a month apart, Mila reunites with her longtime boyfriend, Kendal. Link receives some sad news about an old colleague. Faray makes one of her regular visits to her older sister. Midon arranges a short-notice date with Tiray.

The dawn had scarcely broken over Zora's Domain when Mila quietly eased out of her room and slipped through the Mikau Lake house's exit, closing the door behind her without a sound. Her parents, Mipha and Link, were still fast asleep, as was her brother Midon, after a late night spent reveling with his companions and feasting on Porgies. The rest of the family was away: her sister Lapha was at the Royal Ancient Tech Lab near Hyrule Castle, and her brother Link and his family, Tila, Tara, and Lanka, were at their residence in North Hyrule.

The morning was calm and peaceful as Mila made her way westward past evergreen trees and pink shrubs reminiscent of coral reefs deep beneath the waves. Descending toward the overpass that led to the slumber pool level of the Domain, she encountered a guard named Aldana on patrol duty.

"Good morning, Highness. You are up quite early," Aldana observed. "Might I be of service?"

"A good morning to you, Aldana, and my thanks," Mila replied with a gentle smile. "Do you happen to know if Captain Mandan's unit returned to the Domain last night?"

"Yes, indeed, they did, but quite late. I know for certain because my brother was among them. Knowing I was awake on overnight duty, he Tabbed me when he arrived. The entire unit chose to sleep on the lower level to avoid disturbing everyone. My watch is almost over. Shall I seek someone out on your behalf, Highness?"

"Thank you, your offer is most kind. But it's a personal matter, Aldana, nothing official. I'll find my boyfriend on my own."

"Ah, boyfriend. Well, they've all certainly been out of touch for quite a long time, haven't they, Highness?" Aldana remarked with a smile of understanding and warmth.

"I can see you thoroughly fathom the depth of my mood at the moment," laughed Mila. "And they have - it feels like ages!"

"My parents and I look forward to welcoming my brother home later today. May your search end in happiness," Aldana smiled.

"I'll make sure it does! " Mila affirmed with a chuckle. "And I don't care how tired he is!"

Aldana laughed as Mila waved goodbye, crossing the overpass into the heart of the Domain. She descended the spiral staircase towards the northern end of the Great Zora Bridge, then hesitated. Aware that a splash from her usual dive might disturb the sleepers, she paused a moment to recall the location of a rarely used ladder to the lower level. Finally spotting it to her left, Mila descended and slipped silently into the water, weaving gracefully among the resting figures until she found Kendal. Approaching him quietly, she planted a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Kendal stirred, mumbling something incoherent before his eyes slowly opened. "Oh, Mi!" he exclaimed softly.

"Shh," Mila hushed, drawing him into an embrace.

Their lips met in a kiss that was both passionate and tender, a reunion that bridged their time apart with unspoken words. Mila's voice was a soft whisper as their kiss finally ended.

"Are you surprised to see me, dearest? I thought you'd pick up on my presence with all those enhanced echolocation skills you've practiced while away from me for an entire month."

Kendal chuckled quietly. "You're hilarious," he whispered back.

"Any bruises need healing?" Mila whispered.

"No, I'm fine."

"Let's go then," whispered Mila.

She nodded toward the roaring falls feeding Ruto Lake. Understanding her silent suggestion, Kendal nodded back. Then, hand in hand, they let the current sweep them over the edge, plunging together into the lake below. They swam beneath the surface, moving away from the foaming water by the falls, and remained submerged in their own private world for a long while. There would be plenty of time for talk afterward.

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