Chapter 65 - Gerudo Temptations

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Summary: In the Calamity Timeline, the more liberated Gerudo Vai of the present day host a party for their Hylian soldier guests, their intentions beyond mere celebration.

The blazing late afternoon sun beat down relentlessly on the edge of the Kara Kara Bazaar, its rays shimmering off the desert sands and causing a blinding glare. Hylian soldier Fallon and his comrades had just finished a grueling sparring session with a group of Gerudo guards. Sweat dripped from their foreheads, and their muscles were sore, even though the Gerudo had chosen to hold the session by the bazaar, where the temperature was slightly cooler than in the unforgiving open desert. But for the Gerudo warriors, this heat was apparently nothing compared to their daily challenges, as they showed no weariness or discomfort.

Despite the difficulties of fighting in such extreme conditions, Fallon excelled, outshining his fellow soldiers with his impressive skills and agility. His opponent, a fierce Vai fighter named Zara, couldn't help but offer him praise.

"You are a skilled fighter for a Hylian," she said admirably. "Your movements are graceful, and your defense is flawless."

"I owe my improvement to some combat training from a highly skilled Hylian warrior," Fallon modestly admitted. "It greatly enhanced my technique and confidence."

"Indeed!" Zara exclaimed. "I would love to learn more. You must tell me about it later."

Just then, Gerudo captain Greta called for everyone's attention.

"That was an impressive display of combat. Now it is time for some well-deserved celebrating and socializing," she announced. "Refreshments are waiting for us at a large tent by the sparkling oasis, including some icy cold Noble Pursuits. I recommend a quick swim to cool off before we begin our festivities. Towels to dry off are available, and one of our merchants has kindly supplied samples of her cologne in hopes that you will buy some from her afterward. Please feel free to give it a try."

A cheer erupted from the exhausted soldiers, and Torin, Fallon's close friend, eagerly approached him.

"Let's go for a swim and then head to the party. After all that fighting in this arid heat, I could really enjoy a swim and a cold drink. And who knows, maybe their cologne will help me attract some cute Vai there," he said with a sly grin.

"I suspect the reason for these combat training exercises is for Gerudo warriors to find potential suitors," Fallon whispered back with a small smile. "They don't learn any combat techniques from us. And rumor has it that their cologne is designed to stimulate our desire as much as theirs. I think I'll relax on my own after the swim and call it a day."

"Don't be such a loner, Fallon. That would be very impolite to our hosts. Or has the Princess put you under some spell that prevents you from being around anyone else? I warned you about the Royal Family's magic," Torin teased.

"If by spell you mean being in love, then yes," Fallon chuckled. "I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt her feelings. She means the world to me, Torin, and I count my lucky stars I ever met her."

"Why would going to a party thrown by our gracious hosts offend her? We need to express our appreciation and gratitude," Torin reasoned. "I'm sure not attending the party will reflect poorly on you and earn you a bad mark in our Captain's report, something you don't need if you still want to advance to a Royal Guard position. Or are you counting on the Princess to care for you now?"

"All right, I'll attend the party, but leave early," Fallon reluctantly conceded as they made their way towards the pool of water. They joined the other Hylian soldiers as they undressed and dove into the cool water.

"Ahh, that feels so refreshing!" said Torin as he floated on his back. "And I think one of the Gerudo Vai may have her eye on me."

"Now, maybe I should be the one warning you," laughed Fallon as he floated beside Torin. "Some Gerudo Vai can be very serious when it comes to relationships. Be careful not to start something that you're not ready for."

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