Chapter 7 - Motivations

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Summary: A chapter of conversations and reminiscing. Mipha explains why she grew to tease Link. Midon explores Lapha's motivation to cure injuries using ancient technology. Finally, Tila and Linky discuss Tara's and their choices in life.

"Let's hurry! It's just up ahead," said Link as he ran, tugging Mipha's hand, and then helped her into the small rocky enclosure.

"Made it!" laughed Mipha as they both sat down, put their arms around each other, kissed once, then turned to watch the thunderstorm.

It was afternoon and raining heavily now in the Tabahl Woods across the Zora River, just west of Ralis Pond. Mipha and Link had ridden a motorized cycle to Goponga Village that morning and, as they were in no hurry to return home, decided to walk back to the Domain on foot.

"If you have time, walking is a lot better than zooming by on a motorized cycle," Link had said. "You appreciate your surroundings more."

So they followed the road Link had traveled many times in the past when he visited Zora's Domain. They had made their way a bit less than halfway home when a sudden thunderstorm arose, prompting them to take shelter inside this small rocky alcove Link remembered. It sat above where the road curved sharply inland, away from the riverbank.

"This has a roof and three walls, at least," said Link as he pulled Mipha closer. "And it was the best I could do on short notice."

"It's fine, and it's cozy," said Mipha, as she rested her head against his. "And I like it keeps us close. I'm glad you remembered this little shelter."

"Before you start teasing me about my memory, it was post calamity, the time in my life I do remember," said Link.

Link was about to continue speaking when the loud rumble of thunder drowned out his words and forced him to pause. While he waited, they both watched the nearby pine trees sway in the breeze. A steady rain pattered against the rock outcropping that formed the roof of their small refuge, then dripped down the sides.

"I was going to say I sometimes hid here when I was hunting Lizalfos," said Link finally. "I preferred this shelter to the ones higher up because it was enclosed on three sides and wasn't blocked by an overgrowth of thorns or already occupied by an enemy."

"Hunting Lizalfos?"

"Yes, there was once an entire camp of Lizalfos blocking the road just west of here, and they wielded electric arrows. I destroyed every one of them each time I came this way and scavenged their camp for arrows and loot. I know they returned after each Blood Moon, but I hated them for posing such a terrible danger to the Zora people with their arrows."

"They must have posed a danger to you too," said Mipha. "It was brave of you to take on the entire camp by yourself, though perhaps somewhat reckless as well."

"I was careful, very stealthy about it. First, I hid behind trees and picked off their sentries one by one with Ice Arrows before they could sound an alarm. Then I did the same thing to the rest of the camp as best I could. This shelter was my retreat if anything went wrong or I needed to wait for the right moment."

Just then, there was another flash of lightning, followed by the crack of thunder. They each instinctively pulled each other closer, and Link caressed her shoulder, rubbing his hand up and down. Mipha smiled, and they kissed again, then returned to looking outside as the rain splashed against the rocks and the newly formed puddles in the road below them.

"Thanks for agreeing to walk home, by the way," said Link. "Though it doesn't look like it was the smartest idea after all."

"It's fine. I enjoy walking with you. And since you're back to being a Hylian now, I can't always insist we travel by water," laughed Mipha.

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