Chapter 19 - Welcome Home!

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Summary: Link's successful transformation to a Zora prompts a surprise party at Zora's Domain.

Link blinked twice and then opened his eyes as he floated in their bedroom slumber pool in the house by Mikau Lake. The orange light streaming through the window meant it must be close to sunset, and so he had slept the entire afternoon. Then Link realized he wasn't breathing and took his first breath of air since falling asleep. It felt different as all the air came in through his mouth now.

Actually, almost everything about himself felt different. His arms felt heavier because of the fins attached to them, and so did his head. His body was completely changed, and he had to remember he was a creature of both water and air now. Moreover, his mind still had to catch up with his body. It was ironic. The Shrine of Resurrection had preserved his body but not his mind. The Shrine of Transformation did the opposite: it maintained his mind, but not his body. Has anyone gone through so many life changes, he thought?

He turned to see Mipha, still fast asleep, floating beside him, and he was glad. She had looked exhausted when they came home and must have desperately needed the rest. From his point of view, he had fallen asleep at the shrine and then woke up as if no time had passed. But Mipha had lived through four months of worry about him, praying that the transformation process would end up a success. All he could do was do his best to make it all up to her!

He could hear voices and laughter coming from the direction of the dining room, and if he closed his eyes and concentrated, he could even make out the voices of Mila, Midon, and Lapha. They were clearer than he remembered hearing voices from such a distance, as if his hearing range was different now as well. Then, suddenly, he felt something touch his forehead, and he turned.

"Hello, sweetheart," said Mipha, as she smiled at him and gently caressed his forehead with the back of her hand. "Did you sleep too?"

"I just woke up," said Link. "And I'm glad you could sleep."

"I finally slept well for the first time in ages. But Mila and Lapha were wonderful, keeping me company every night and helping me get over some nightmares."

They kissed once, then Mipha leaned back to look at him.

"You look very handsome," said Mipha. "I'm going to enjoy getting used to it."

"Thanks and you look even more beautiful," laughed Link. "Do you feel happy now?"

"More than you can imagine! I feel like we're at the start of a wonderful new stage of life together. You?"

"Yes, I'm happy, and I think you're right," said Link.

They kissed once more.

"I bet we're also both hungry," said Mipha. "We both must have slept through lunch."

"You're right. I feel like I haven't eaten in months!"

"Very funny, but just remember what the scientist said: you should only eat soup today. I hear some of our children. Shall we join them?"

They held hands as they climbed out of the slumber pool together and then made their way to the dining room. Everyone at once jumped up and exchanged hugs all around.

"It's good you both slept," said Mila.

"We have some food for you. A Hearty Bass for you, Mom, and soup for you, Dad," said Lapha.

"We looked up one of your old soup recipes from your journal, Dad," said Midon. "I think you'll still like it. It's a Creamy Seafood Soup, and we made it with a Hyrule Bass, some Endura Carrots, Rock Salt and Fresh Milk. So, it should be pretty filling and give you a good burst of energy."

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