Chapter 17 - A New Life

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Summary: Link's transformation process to a Zora concludes.

It was a calm late evening in Zora's Domain, and the soothing sound of splashing water filled the night air. The plaza that was so busy during the day was empty now, and all but guards on duty were sleeping soundly in the slumber pools or open water.

But the house at Mikau Lake was not entirely quiet. Lapha and Midon were sound asleep in their rooms, but Mipha and Mila were not.

"I'm sorry, Mila, I'm simply too anxious about tomorrow to sleep," said Mipha as she and Mila floated together in her slumber pool. "Maybe you should go to your own room so I don't keep you awake all night. I'll be fine, sweetheart. I can manage one night on my own."

"It's okay, Mom," said Mila as she held one arm around her mother. "We're all excited about welcoming Dad home tomorrow. But keep trying to sleep. Maybe I should sing you a lullaby the way you used to sing for me. Do you remember those days?"

"Yes, I remember, sweetheart," smiled Mipha, thinking back. "You and your brother Midon were so cute! Your father and I used to alternate nights putting you to sleep while the other one took care of Midon. Your father called you his little princess. He fell in love with you and Midon at once."

"I know," said Mila. "And when we were older, you both told us sleep time stories. Of course, you alternated telling those, too. Dad's stories were lengthy sometimes. I didn't always stay awake to the end."

"To be honest, I don't think he did either!" laughed Mipha. "I used to find you and your father both asleep together in your pool, and I wondered who fell asleep first. But you used to always put your arm under his neck to help keep his head above water. You have the instinct to care for people, and I believe that comes with the healing power we both have. Anyway, I had to wake your father to come to our room, or sometimes I just let him sleep there. You both looked so cute!"

"If you close your eyes, can you still picture Dad and I together like that?"

"Yes, of course," said Mipha, closing her eyes and smiling. "It doesn't seem all that long ago."

After a moment, Mipha was fast asleep, and Mila smiled. Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep a few minutes later.

For a change, Midon was the first one up the following day and, as usual, immediately checked his Tab. There was a message from young Link in North Hyrule addressed to all his siblings that Tila had arranged for a private high-speed watercraft to take Mom and them from Spool Bight to North Hyrule, and he would meet them there. The four siblings had discussed among themselves whether they should all go and decided they should. If anything went wrong with the transformation, they wanted to be there for their mother. There was also a message from his girlfriend Larena, wishing him and the family well. And there were a few work-related messages involving rune support. By the time Midon finished with all of them, he heard Lapha leaving her room and joined her in the dining room.

"I'll catch breakfast today," said Lapha. "Unless you want a rune-made fish."

"Ugh! No, fresh fish tastes better, thanks. And no preference - first fish is fine for me," said Midon.

Lapha returned a few minutes later with three Hyrule Bass and a Hearty Bass.

"Let's save the Hearty Bass for Mom," said Lapha. "She could use it."

"Of course," said Midon as he took a Hyrule Bass from Lapha. "We just have to convince Mom to eat it. She hasn't been eating as well as she should. By the way, it was smart of you to suggest Mom make Dad a new set of armor. It kept her busy and her attitude more positive this past month."

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