Chapter 13 - A Possible Future?

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Summary: Mipha has trouble concealing her excitement over Link considering transforming into a Zora.

It was a sunny late morning in Zora's Domain, and Royal Secretary Kara was leading the Council of Elders meeting in King Dorephan's throne room. Prince Sidon and Captain of the Guard Larah had begun the session with an update on Domain security. Then there were several other items of interest, including water quality reports, architectural reports on structural repairs and future building plans, etc. But as the meeting wore on, the topics became less exciting and more routine. Mipha's mind wandered as she recalled a recent conversation with Link.

Mipha and Link smiled at each other and kissed as they sat beneath the large rock outcropping at Ralis Pond and watched the rain. It was a free morning for them both, and they had been walking and relaxing together since an earlier breakfast with Mila.

"I guess there's no reason we can't stay here until lunch," said Link as the heavy downpour showed no signs of letting up.

"No reason at all. If you were a Zora, we could simply catch a fish anytime we wanted."

"I know," said Link, more seriously than Mipha expected. "And I know you're being light-hearted about it. But with all my Hylian children grown now, I'm seriously considering if that wouldn't be the right thing for me to do - for our sake, I mean."

"Become a Zora? Are you serious? I had no idea you were considering that!"

"You're the love of my life, sweetheart," said Link. "I'd like our love to last as long as possible."

"So would I," said Mipha.

They kissed as Link hugged her tighter, pulling her closer, and she felt herself trembling with excitement over what their life together could be like.

"Sis?" whispered Sidon as he gently nudged Mipha, and her mind floated back to the present.

"Oh! Forgive me, Kara. I was mind diving," said Mipha.

"I was just asking if you had anything to report for Prince Link, Lady Mipha," said Kara. "I understand you are attending on his behalf as well today."

"Yes, thank you, Kara, that's correct. Link said there were no ambassador meetings since our last council meeting and nothing new of significance to report," said Mipha.

"Thank you, Lady Mipha," said Kara. "Then, if there's nothing else, I believe that concludes our meeting. As usual, I will distribute the minutes by Tab. Meeting adjourned."

"Thank you, Kara, you ran the meeting with your customary skill," said King Dorephan. "Mipha, perhaps you could remain behind after everyone else leaves."

"I hope you're not in trouble with Father," whispered Sidon as he got up to leave and winked at her.

"If I am, I'll Tab you for help," whispered Mipha with a smile.

After everyone else left, King Dorephan spoke up.

"Sweetheart, I notice you've been quite distracted lately. And given how routine our meeting just was, I can't imagine you're worried about any of the topics we discussed. So, I assume it has something to do with Link or one of my dear grandchildren. Is everything okay?"

"Is it that obvious, Father?"

"It is to a father who knows his dear daughter," said King Dorephan. "But as usual, feel free to tell me it's none of my business. I'm prone to being overly curious about you and Sidon, but it's because I love you both so much."

"I know, Father, and I love you too," said Mipha. "And I would never say anything like that to you. At least not so bluntly! But you're right. As the meeting flowed on, I began thinking about Link."

Life in Zora's Domain - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now