Chapter 44 - Spreading the News

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Summary: News of Tiray's return spreads.

It was a cloudy morning in Zora's Domain, and Mipha and Link held each other close in their room's slumber pool.

"That felt so intense - magical even!" sighed Mipha.

"It felt incredible for me, too," Link said as they kissed again. "I love you."

"I love you, too," said Mipha. "You make me as happy as I could ever wish!"

"And that's what I've always wanted for both of us," said Link. "By the way, you have the most beautiful eyes. They seem to glow, and I love looking into them."

As before, Link had noticed that his transition to life as a Zora had shifted his perception of colors, and Mipha's eyes seemed more golden than before. And like his earlier transformations, Mipha looked even cuter now, more attractive at a primal level. Mipha was about to answer when her Tab buzzed.

"Not another medical emergency, I hope!" said Link.

"No, thankfully, just a reminder about today's upcoming council meeting with Father. Thanks to your amorous impulses, it's later than I realized, and I should get up."

"Thanks to me? I think your amorous impulses were every bit as intense as mine! Anyway, I'll catch breakfast while you get ready," Link said as they climbed out of the pool.

After Link returned from Mikau Lake with a pair of Hyrule Bass, they sat down to eat breakfast together.

"Isn't it nice not having to burn your fish first, then let it cool?"

"It is," laughed Link. "I never told you, but that was the real reason I transformed into a Zora: so I could eat faster."

"Given your appetite, I'm not sure you're joking," laughed Mipha. "And we had this same conversation the day you made up your mind to transform after visiting Spool Bight. But I know very well you have other appetites."

"As do you," said Link, and they laughed, then leaned forward for a kiss.

"By the way, you'll have the house all to yourself this morning, sweetheart, until Mila arrives home for lunch. Do you know what you'll do?"

"In light of what just happened to Tiray, I was thinking of refreshing my memory and re-reading about that whole Vera incident in my journal."

"Good idea," said Mipha as she finished and rose to leave. "Would you prefer Mila or me to awaken you when we get home? Or should we just let you sleep?"

"Very funny, and I hope you're saving some sense of humor for the council meeting," said Link, who also rose from the table. "My journal's not all that boring! Well, not all of it, at least. Please say hello to father for me and give him my thanks for not inviting me to attend the meeting as well. I prefer to be home to welcome Mila when she arrives."

They embraced and kissed, then Mipha left, and the house suddenly felt still and empty. Midon and Lapha had returned to work at the Royal Ancient Tech Lab, and their son Link was away with his wife Tila and their family in North Hyrule for their daughter Tara's schooling. Mila had been working all week at the Hyrule Castle library and was expected home later.

Link made his way upstairs to the room he used as a study. He took one of the volumes of his journal down from the shelf, then sat at his desk, and opened to the first of seven chapters he had titled "A Shadow Arises." Tiray's miraculous return to life after over twenty years prompted him to refresh his memory about the events of that time. The enemy they had faced back then, Vera, was a formidable adversary with powerful dark magic. And she was all the more terrifying for being largely unseen, as she could remain undetected inside even a friend's or relative's mind until she was ready to move on. Vera was the daughter of the demon fairy Veran, the infamous Sorceress of Shadows, and her evil mother would have been proud of her offspring.

Life in Zora's Domain - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now