Chapter 48 - Small Decisions

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Summary: In the Calamity timeline, a sequence of small decisions results in Astra meeting with her admirer Fallon.

As the sun rose over Hyrule Castle, Captain Hawkins of the Royal Guard began his customary daily routine of learning what had happened the prior evening.

"It was mostly quiet last night, Sir. We took two individuals into custody who were trying to sneak into the castle through the dock entrance. They were clearly drunk, and after viewing the Princess Coronation painting in Castle Town, they decided it would be fun to meet her for some partying. One said she was hotter than Death Mountain, while the other said she looked sweet and angelic. Thankfully neither one of them had weapons, and they put up no resistance. We've got them cooling their heels in the lockup until they're sober enough to let go," reported the guard.

"That's fine," Captain Hawkins replied. "See that they get breakfast before you release them. But also make sure to record their names and warn them that if they try something like this again, they'll face criminal charges."

Hawkins was not surprised the public display of the Princess's portrait could lead to some unwelcome behavior by besotted admirers. Her Highness looked radiant in the painting, with her bright blonde hair, clear blue eyes, and a blush on her cheeks that glowed like embers.

In person, she was even more captivating, of course. He had been privileged to be close enough to realize this when he had accompanied her to her room after her unguarded late return to the castle one evening. But there was definitely more to her than good looks. There was something special about her, an aura or presence if you will.

It wasn't obvious at first. A casual glance at the twinkle in her eyes and her sweet smile would make you think she was just a carefree teenage girl. But, if you got closer, as he had during his time with her, you could sense another side to her just below the surface. He recalled his meeting with her before she was recognized as the Princess.

He was checking castle security while on the late-night shift when she arrived alone in the library.

"Excuse me, Miss Astra, but where do you think you are going alone at this time of night? And are you returning from the docks?"

"Yes, and heading back to my room now, Captain."

"Has no one cautioned you about the danger of wandering around on your own late at night? Her Majesty has charged us with looking out for your safety, Miss Astra and your actions make that exceedingly difficult. I will need to report this to Her Majesty, of course. And how did you get past the guards on duty in the residential area of the castle? They will have something to answer for over this matter as well."

"Don't blame the guards, Captain," said Astra. "I used some ancient Sheikah technology to avoid detection. It was beyond their ability to prevent my departure."

"I won't pretend to understand what that means, but I will personally escort you back to your room now, Miss Astra," said the Captain. "And you should expect some stern words from Her Majesty after she receives my report."

"Yes, I expect I will hear some stern words from Her Majesty about this evening," said Astra as she shook her head and sounded remorseful. "Apologies for causing you or your soldiers any trouble."

He struggled to make sense of her as they walked side-by-side to her room, his eyes taking in every detail of her movements. Why wasn't she afraid of being out alone late at night? What was she hiding? As if she sensed his questioning gaze, Astra turned to him with a smile.

"Don't be anxious about me, Captain," she said. "I can take care of myself - and much better than you think."

His eyes were drawn to the sword hanging from her back, and he felt something powerful emanating from it, a menace you would not want to provoke. She undoubtedly could take care of herself. The Princess of Hyrule was indeed beautiful and desirable - but deadly dangerous, too.

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