Chapter 32 - Childish Behavior

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Summary: Mipha and Link return to Zora's Domain after an extended stay in North Hyrule.

"Tila and I cannot thank you enough," said young Link as he saw his parents off at the North Hyrule pier. "It was wonderful having you here. I know Tara loved every minute she spent with you, and now Lanka knows who his grandparents are. We're forever grateful to you for helping us."

After an extended stay in North Hyrule to help care for their new grandson, Lanka, Mipha and Link were finally returning home. They had earlier said their goodbyes to Tara, who was in school now, and Tila, who was taking care of Lanka.

"It's what family does," said Link. "Besides, don't think it was a chore for us. Far from it! We both had a great time and were happy to do it."

"And we're always ready to help, dear," said Mipha.

"I know, Mom."

"Ferry departs in two minutes," announced the First Officer as he prepared the ferry for departure.

"We should board," said Link. "We hope to see you and the family on a visit home soon."

"As soon as Lanka is old enough to travel, we'll be there. He needs to bond with his aunts and uncle, too."

They exchanged goodbye hugs, then Mipha and Link boarded and found two seats together on the boat's port side. They waved goodbye as the ferry pulled away from the pier.

"The time went slowly in one way and fast in another," said Link as they began picking up speed. "But I enjoyed it and was glad we could help."

"Me too," said Mipha as she squeezed his hand. "And caring for Lanka reminded me of when ours were small. Has it really been forty years now? So yes, time went slowly in one sense, but fast in another."

They sat beside each other, holding hands, and stared at the shore as the ferry traveled eastward down the channel. They passed the Sheikah village in the woods and continued onward until the boat picked up more speed as it turned south into the Akkala Sea and cruised past Lomei Labyrinth Island.

The sea was calm this sunny morning, only gentle waves rolling across its blue-green surface. The ferry's Ancient Energy propulsion system hummed softly, a soothing sound, as Mipha and Link leaned their shoulders against each other. There was nothing much of interest to see at the moment, so Link's thoughts wandered.

Their stay in North Hyrule had been both productive and enjoyable, as he and Mipha had spent a good deal of time with both grandchildren. As for Lanka, it was a fresh experience for Link to devote extended time underwater with a Zora infant and hear his cute sounds. Lanka was just learning to play, his swimming skills developing nicely. He had grown quite a bit and was now big enough to no longer need as much close attention.

Though primarily there to help care for Lanka, they had also made time for Tara, working around her school and homework schedule. Tara was thrilled that Link could finally compete with her in underwater games, and they had fun together. But Link could see that Tara was getting to the age of preferring to play with her friends from school, and of course, he understood that. It was a normal part of growing up. She enjoyed sleep time adventure stories, though, and Link certainly had plenty of those! Time spent putting Tara to sleep with a story helped make up for any lost playtime together. He recalled the end of the story he had told her just last night, one of his many experiences traveling around Hyrule in the old days.

"Well, by the time I finished dealing with all the Lizalfos in their camp, it was getting late. It had taken me longer than I expected. I looked to the west, and the sun was turning orange as it was setting behind the hills. Soon evil creatures would emerge from under the ground to attack. They were skeleton creatures, just bones, save for their glowing eyes, and most were easy to defeat."

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