Chapter 29 - Yiga Clan Hideout

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Summary: Paya's husband Talan, working under the name Pangha, is discovered in the Yiga Clan hideout and is brought to meet Master Kohga. Astra visits Chief Riju at Gerudo Town to discuss battle plans.

It was evening in Kakariko Village, and Paya and her daughter Layna were keeping each other company drinking tea, and sitting up late by the fire, neither able to sleep.

"Are you cold, Mother?" said Layna. "Let me put another log on the fire."

"No, no, I'm fine, dear," said Paya. "That Rito shawl you bought me is quite comfortable, and the hot tea helps as well. I'm not shivering from the cold, sweetheart."

"I'm sure Father is fine," said Layna. "He's very experienced at this."

"Yes, we keep telling each other that, as much to convince ourselves as reassure one another, I think," said Paya. "I know he is indeed very resourceful, and I have confidence in him. It's just that nobody has ever successfully infiltrated the Yiga Clan hideout and returned undetected. The last one to attempt it, to my knowledge, was Link. He snuck into their old hideout in the Gerudo Highlands 25 years ago to retrieve the stolen Thunder Helm, but even he was caught by their leader before getting away."

"At least if Father is discovered, they believe he is one of them," said Layna.

Meanwhile, Talan's luck had just run out in the Yiga Clan hideout below the Thyphlo Ruins. A Yiga Clan warrior, who had apparently been resting behind a crate, noticed Talan, stood up, and challenged him, holding a knife to his chest.

"Who are you? I don't remember ever seeing you here before?"

"My name is Pangha, and this is my first time here."

"Why are you sneaking around?"

"I wasn't sneaking around. I am unfamiliar with the layout of our hideout, but did not wish to disturb anyone, as I know it is late," said Pangha.

"My name is Dorak, but I'm afraid I can't just accept what you say. Give me your knife, Pangha."

Talan let Dorak take his knife that he kept tucked in his belt.

"Now, you need to see Master Kohga, and he can decide what to do," said Dorak. "I hope he's still awake."

"Perfect!" said Pangha. "I came here hoping to meet with Master Kohga."

Time for Plan B thought Talan as Dorak led him back to the thin room he had just passed through and then up a short stairway to a large circular room. The room looked like it was designed to hold meetings, as a large circular table occupied the center of the torch lit room. But tonight, only Master Kohga and his Chief of staff, Rohga, were meeting there, sitting alongside each other at the far end of the room. Kohga and Rohga were in the midst of a conversation when Dorak and Pangha entered.

"Keep trying, Rohga. I think...," said Kohga when he noticed Dorak and abruptly turned to him. "What is the meaning of this interruption?"

"Excuse me, Master Kohga, but I found this person wandering around our hideout, and I don't recognize him. He said his name is Pangha," said Dorak.

"Who? What was the name?" asked Kohga.

"Pangha!" exclaimed Rohga. "This is a surprise. But why have you come here? And why in secret?"

"You know this person, Rohga?" said Kohga.

"Yes, Master Kohga," said Rohga. "I already spoke of him to you once. Pangha is one of our stealth experts and the one chosen to spy on Astra and Purah."

"Greetings, Master Kohga and Chief Rohga," said Pangha with a bow. "Forgive my way of arriving, but I came here secretly and unbidden because I have information I need to share, and I did not trust conveying it through intermediaries."

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