Chapter 12 - Astra Returns to Kakariko Village

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Summary: A Yiga Clan spy reports a concern. Astra, Purah, and Zelda return to Hyrule Castle and discuss their next steps. On their way to Hateno Village, Astra and Purah stop at Kakariko Village for the night, and Astra meets someone new.

It was evening, and the meeting with Master Kohga at the Yiga Clan hideout was not going well.

"All of a sudden, the news is all bad now!?" exclaimed Kohga as he frantically waved his arms about. "Ever since I became leader 25 years ago, we've been making steady progress toward rebuilding the organization. But first, we lose Donga, and now you tell me this?"

The room was silent as everyone waited for Kohga to calm down, which he did after another moment and after taking a deep breath.

"All right, Fandah, so you rushed back here to report that you think Purah's assistant was carrying the sword of the goddess? That's a rather extraordinary claim!" said Kohga.

Fandah was the youngest Blademaster in the organization and excelled at combat, which he loved above all else, sometimes to a fault. He was assigned to watch the road between Hyrule Castle and Zora's Domain, report on anything suspicious, and look for opportunities to recruit new members.

Fandah was not thrilled about the assignment, as he thought it presented little opportunity for him to advance in the organization. But his superiors found his over-eagerness toward attacking others a handicap. Waylaying random travelers accomplished little and risked drawing more Hyrule Guard attention. To prove a point, Fandah had once violated the standing Yiga Clan order that if confronted by three or more guards at one time, warriors were to avoid combat and teleport to safety to preserve their numbers. That earned him a reprimand for not following orders and his current assignment. In any case, Fandah was known for seeking ways to enhance his reputation, which meant there was a degree of skepticism attached to his claims.

"I admit I am uncertain, Master Kohga," said Fandah. "I caught only a brief glimpse of the sword's hilt as Zelda, Purah, and her assistant rushed by on horseback without stopping. Unfortunately, the four Hyrule Royal Guards that accompanied them also obscured my view. But it looked to me like the goddess sword. And that's not the only...."

"There are many swords that look similar from a distance, Fandah, such as the Royal Broadsword," interrupted one of the older warriors named Longha. "You could easily have been, and likely were, mistaken."

"I was about to say before I was interrupted that it was not only what I saw that convinced me to report this. It was also what I felt," said Fandah, with an annoyed glance at Longha. Fandah thought Longha was overdue for retirement, but Master Kohga knew him for some time and respected his knowledge of past events. "As the party passed by me, I felt a tingling sensation, as if some magic power was present. You know that those of us trained in dark magic are sensitive to the presence of what we call light magic. So, that is more evidence of the goddess sword's presence."

"Now you're definitely mistaken, Fandah," said Longha, shaking his head. "I know for a fact that the goddess sword does not cause any such feelings, not unless it is drawn in combat or one not chosen by the sword attempts to wield it. Back in the day, I often disguised myself as a traveler and was able to stand near Link on more than one occasion. I felt nothing from the sword he carried on his back, and I have practiced dark magic since before you were born, Fandah."

"I can believe that - way before!" said Fandah sarcastically. "But I'm not crazy - I know what I felt. So, what was it then, if not the sword?"

"I may be older, but I know a good deal more than you, and I can suggest an answer," said Longha. "Assuming you weren't imagining it...."

"I didn't imagine it!" shouted Fandah.

"All right, calm down, Fandah," said Kohga. "What were you getting at Longha?"

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