Chapter 27 - Gossip

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Summary: Mipha and Link spend time at the North Hyrule seashore the day before their next grandchild is due.

It was a sunny afternoon at the North Hyrule shore, and the water was perfect for surfing. Lofty blue waves rolled toward shore, crested, and then crashed onto the beach with a thunderous roar and a spray of white foam that sparkled in the sunlight.

Mipha and Link were visiting North Hyrule to welcome their new grandchild into the world tomorrow. Yesterday, their son Link's wife Tila had passed an egg which was being tended to now in a tank of pure, clean water. If all went as expected tomorrow, a Zora hatchling would nibble its way out of the egg, and a new family member would arrive.

Tila was with her husband Link and daughter Tara, recuperating from passing the egg, and everyone understood Tila would feel better if given an extra day to recover before visiting. So, when Mipha and Link arrived in North Hyrule, they had the day to themselves and wasted no time heading to the seashore to swim and body surf. Like any Zora, they were thoroughly enjoying the water, though it had taken Link a short time to feel entirely at ease in the powerful waves.

"That was amazing!" exclaimed Link after he and Mipha rode an enormous wave partway to shore, then began swimming swiftly back out to deeper water to catch another.

"Here comes the next one!" said Mipha. "Ready?"

"Yep! Here we go!" said Link as he floated onto the wave alongside Mipha, and they let it carry them shoreward.

The wave moved swiftly, and it felt exhilarating to be propelled rapidly through the water by its powerful current. Mipha and Link laughed the entire way as they let the wave carry them as far as possible, then left before it broke and floated beside each other.

"Wow! That was another great ride! I'm glad we made time to visit the sea together, just you and me, before Mila, Midon, and Lapha arrive. I love every minute of it!" said Link.

"I knew you would, sweetheart," said Mipha. "It's great fun! And riding waves like this is something we can't do at home, though we have better waterfalls. I can see your swimming is much improved now, too."

"Yes, and I'm having a great time!" said Link. "The sea is incredible today, and the waves are so perfect! But you know, I have to admit when we first dove into the water here, I felt queasy bobbing up and down in the enormous waves."

"Yes, I noticed that, sweetheart," said Mipha.

"I suppose that's embarrassing," said Link. "For a Zora, I mean."

"It is, and I feel terrible about that," sighed Mipha, shaking her head. "I hope you can eventually get over it, but there's a chance you never will."

"It's okay. I'm already over it," said Link. "You needn't be concerned. I'm swimming fine in the waves now."

"Oh, I'm not concerned about your swimming ability, sweetheart. I knew you were fine after a few moments in the water. But, no, I'm worried about all the gossip you will have to endure. I'm afraid you'll be teased about being a seasick Zora - something I've never heard of. And you might never live it down with your Bazz Brigade friends, either. "

"Well, you don't have to tell anyone, do you?"

Mipha was quiet as she seemed to consider his question.

"Do you, sweetheart?"

"My silence might have a price," said Mipha finally, with a coy smile.

Link burst out laughing and shook his head.

"You're so cute! A price for your silence? Isn't extortion a crime?"

"I'm sure Faray or Father will pardon me if I tell them the entire story," said Mipha. "Which will only spread the gossip further, by the way."

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