I don't want to talk to you.

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

It had been a week since everything happened with Dougie, I hadn't spoke to him or even seen him since, I didn't want to, it made me feel sick thinking about it.
I woke up next to James and hugged him slightly, before he began to wake up.

"Why do you get up so early.." he murmured

"It's not even that early!" I laughed "it's half 9!"

James sat up "You're joking!?" He began to get out of bed and run to the bathroom "we've got rehearsals at 10!"


"Yeah, you're coming along too!" He smiled, and quickly closed the bathroom door. Looks like I've got to go!

I knew that Dougie would be there, which made me feel nervous. I haven't seen him since what happened...It was going to be awkward, even more awkward knowing that James and the other guys don't know, I didn't want to see him at all. I hoped that Mollie was going with Danny, it would be less awkward.

- Half an hour later -

James and I were a few minutes late, and he was rushing like mad. We finally arrived, to find Harry, Matt and Tom sat down on some sofas.

"Ah, Mr Bourne, so nice of you to drop in..." Matt said as we entered the room

"Yeah, sorry we're late." He replied

"It's fine." Harry laughed "You alright Eleanor?"

"Yeah. I'm fine" I smiled back, I had only just realised how weird it looked with me coming with James, no one knows about us yet! Oops...

"I just wondered if Mollie was here?" I asked, attempting to save myself

"Yeah. She's with Danny, just through those doors." Tom said, not even taking an eye off his phone.

I smiled at James and the other boys before making my way to find Mollie, i didn't want to look too suspicious. The boys began to talk as I waked out, but I decided to listen in.

"Did you come here with Eleanor?" Matt asked

"Yeah. I saw her walking and offered her a lift, as we were coming to the same place."

"Not shagging her then?" Harry laughed

"No" James laughed, he also seemed pretty offended "As if I would" he laughed. I leant back on the wall I was standing near, why would he say that? I knew he wanted to keep this private until we were serious, but, I didn't think he was embarrassed by me...I thought he loved me...

I quickly snapped back to reality and carried on trying to find Mollie, it wasn't that hard, I could hear Danny from miles away.

"Eleanor!!" Mollie shouted as I entered, i hadn't seen her in a while, what with her being busy with gigs recently.

"Hello stranger." I smiled, hugging her

"Hey." I heard a voice say. Dougie's.

"Hi." I replied, awkwardly, I didn't know what to say to him, without giving too much away.

"I'm just going to speak to Matt..." He said before leaving quickly, this was obviously awkward for him too.

"Have you two had an argument?" Danny asked

"No, no. Of course not." I replied "I haven't seen him in a while."

"Fair enough." He replied and carried on playing with his phone.

- Dougie's Point of View -

Seeing Eleanor was pretty awkward, I knew she hated me and I can't blame her. The things I said were horrible, I'm the worst human being.

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