Why did you tell everyone I was pregnant?

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- James' Point of View -

"What do I deserve to know?" I asked, as Eleanor and Frankie stared at me, blankly.

"It's nothing." Eleanor replied "Do they need washing?" She asked, indicating the plate in my hand.

"Tell him." Frankie whispered to her

"Tell me what?" I asked, I didn't like how secretive they were being, it made me worry. "Have I done something to upset you?" I asked Eleanor as I approached her.

"No, it's nothing James, I'm fine."

"I'm sorry if I have, I didn't mean to."

"James, stop it." She said, not even looking at me.

"She's pregnant!" Frankie blurted out.

I stared at Frankie in complete shock. Pregnant?

"Is this true?" I asked Eleanor.

"No, it's not!" Eleanor snapped "I'm not pregnant! I wish you would stop saying that I am!" She shouted at Frankie.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"Because there's nothing to tell, I'm not pregnant James!"

"I'll give you two a minute." Frankie said, before quietly moving out of the kitchen.

"You don't believe her, do you?" she asked, whilst sitting down at the table.

"I don't know...why would she say that?"

"I don't know, she said Mollie told her."

I frowned "Why would Mollie make that up?"

"I don't know." She replied "Do you believe me?"

"I...don't know...you know you can tell me if you're pregnant, I'll support you, and the baby."

She put her head in her hands "James. I'm not pregnant!"

"I just don't get why Mollie and Frankie would say that if you wasn't?"

Eleanor groaned and got up from the table and made her way to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"To sort this out!" She snapped, making her way into the living room, I decided to follow.

"Mollie!" She said sharply "Why are you telling everyone that I'm pregnant!?"

Mollie's face dropped "Because you are..."

"No I'm not!"

"You told me that you are Eleanor, don't you remember?"

I stared at her "You told Mollie?"

Eleanor ignored me and started shouting at Mollie "I've never said anything about pregnancy!"

"Wait, so you told Mollie before you told me?" I asked

"I never told anyone anything!" She replied, she seemed to shake when she was angry.

"I can't believe you..." I said, disappointed that she wouldn't tell me.

"Mollie, tell him! Tell him I'm not pregnant!"

Mollie opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again "Excuse me" she said, running upstairs.

- Eleanor's Point of View -

I couldn't believe James thought I was pregnant! I'm not! And I still couldn't believe that Mollie made this up! Why would she tell everyone that I'm pregnant? And that id told her I was?

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