I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

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- Dougie's Point of View -

A Week Later

It had been a week since Eleanor and James had found out about Frankie and I, and it was the most awkward thing ever, James doesn't speak to me properly at rehearsals, and the rest of the boys can defenitely sense it.
But luckily for me, James hasn't said anything to the rest of the boys, and I'm grateful for that. But, he still believes Frankie and I ended our relationship...

My phone began to bleep, it was Frankie.

"Hey" I greeted

"Good morning!" She seemed rather happy

"So, we're still up for later aren't we?" I asked

"Yeah, about that. A gigs came up, which I really can't miss! So, we'll have to reschedule to tomorrow, if that's okay?"

"Yeah, of course! You can't help gigs!"

"I knew you'd understand" She smiled

"I know what you could do tonight though, whilst I'm out."

"Whats that?" I asked, as I carried on playing on my Xbox

"Invite Eleanor around..."

I paused "You're not still on about that, are you?"

"Of course I am! She obviously wants you!"

"She doesn't." I replied "Anyway, I don't see what good is going to come out of this."

"Easy. She'll come on to you, James will find out and she'll be all alone."

"Look, it'll work! I've got to go now anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye!"
"Bye." I replied quietly.

I couldn't believe Frankie still wanted me to do this. Eleanor doesn't deserve this at all, she hasn't done anything wrong, it's me that's the bad guy here. Maybe I should just invite her to tell her about all of this?

- Eleanor's Point of View -

"James! Stop it!" I shouted as James continued to throw small pieces of paper at me.

He was in hysterics "You're so cute when you're angry"

"Well, I'm about to get adorable..." I said before hitting him around the head. That soon shut him up.

Things were more serious between James and I, whether we were in a relationship or not, I don't know. I don't really want to mention it, as he might not even want to be with me! How awkward would that be.

"Ouch!" He exclaimed, rubbing his head

"Aw, I'm sorry!" I said jumping onto his lap "You know I love you really." I replied, burying my face into his chest.

"Do you really?" He grinned, lifting my head up

"Yes." I whispered

"And I love you too" He smiled, pulling me in for a kiss, we kissed more, before my phone began to ring.

"Ignore it" James said, trying to pull me back for more.

"I can't" I replied, picking myself up from James "It might be important!"

I picked up the phone "it's Dougie..."

"Hey Eleanor, are you busy?"

"Um, not really. I'm just with James at the moment, why?"

"Just wondering what you're doing later. Wondered if you'd want to come round for a bit?"

"Um, yeah. Can do..." I replied, not sure as to why he'd invited me.

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