Where's Danny?

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

It was officially a week today till the wedding, I was so excited, but so nervous! The thought of the whole attention being on James and I for the day was scary! I was terrified of getting my vows wrong! I wanted the day to be perfect!

"I can't believe it's a whole week away..." James began, placing a bowl of cereal in front of me.

"I know...." I replied "Are you nervous?"

"A bit. I don't want to mess up my speech. But apart from that, I'm excited to marry you!"

"Aw" I smiled "And I can't wait to marry you!"

He smiled, whilst taking a spoonful of his cereal "I've been meaning to ask you something actually."

"Go on?" I put my spoon down so my full attention was on him.

"Do you think I should invite Charlie?"

"As in Simpson?"

James nodded

"Wow, well, if you want him to come I don't see the problem. Did you go to his?"

"Yeah, he invited me and Matt, but Matt didn't want to go..." He began to fiddle with him thumb "Do you think the guys will hate me if I invite him?"

"It's not up to them!" I replied "It's your wedding, you get to choose who you want to invite. "

James smiled "I think I'll give him a call."

- James' Point of View -

I picked up my phone, and searched through my contacts for Charlie. Surprisingly, I still had his number, unlike Matt, I still kept in contact with him, I didn't hate him at all. I'd like him to come to the wedding, but I'm scared what the guys'll think, they hate him...

I began to ring his phone, it rang for ages, making me even more nervous, before he finally picked up.

"Hello?" He answered

"Hi Charlie...it's James.."

"You alright?" He asked, he always seemed willing to talk to me which was nice, however, it had been a while since I'd had a conversation with him.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something." I replied, scared to do so.

"Go on.."

"I'm getting married next week and I just wondered if you'd like to come?"

"Oh yeah, I remember reading that you were somewhere. To that girlband members sister, right?" He asked

"Yeah, Mollie's sister. Her names Eleanor." I replied

He went silent for a while before he finally spoke "Are the rest of the guys going to be there?"

"Well, yeah. They're my band mates and my best friends..."

"Of course." He said quietly "I'll come."

"You will? That's great!" I began to give him further details on the wedding. I was happy that he agreed to come but nervous what the guys might think..."

"Thanks again Charlie. I'll see you in a week"

"Yeah, see you then." He replied, before the phone call ended.

Eleanor entered the room and stared at me, waiting for me to tell her.

"He's coming!" I smiled

"That's great!" She replied "What do you think the others will say?"

"I think they'll be okay. I don't know about Matt though..."

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