I did that for you.

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- Mollie's Point of View -

Everyone stood in shock as they listened to my news.

"I'm pregnant okay!"

I turned to Danny, who looked just as shocked as Eleanor and James did. Even worse.

"Pregnant...." He said, he didn't blink at all.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you..." I placed my hand on his arm, Danny didn't move or speak, he was shocked.

"For how long?" He asked quietly

"I don't know, I only found out two days ago." I glanced over at Eleanor and James who were just watching.

"We'll give you two a minute." James smiled, Eleanor stroked my shoulder and gave a little smile before leaving.

"Look, Danny, I understand if you're mad, or if you don't want to keep it I-"

He interrupted me "I'm not mad, I'm not mad at all. I just didn't expect it..."

He finally gave me eye contact "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was just scared." I said, almost whispering "We've only been together for about a month, and now I'm pregnant..."

He placed his arm around me "Stop worrying Mollie, everything's going to be okay."

I nodded, although I was terrified.

"I want to have this baby." He smiled

"Are you serious?" I was shocked, I thought he wouldn't want it at all.

"I've never been so serious about anything else! I want to have a family with you Mollie, I love you."

I smiled "I love you more!"

- Eleanor's Point of View -

"I hope they're not arguing." I said, pacing up and down in my room, James was just laid down on my bed.

"I wonder if they'll keep it." James said, playing with his keys

"Mollie won't want to get rid of it, she's like me." I said, sitting on the foot of the bed.

"So if you got pregnant, you'd keep it? No matter what?" James said, sitting up.

"I guess so. I don't think I'd be able to get rid of it."

"That's cute." James smiled "I wonder what our kids would look like, if we had any."

"P-lease, we're not even married yet!" I laughed, throwing one of my tops at him.

He picked it back up to throw it at me, but stopped when he heard a voice, Danny's.

"Should we go?" James asked

Eleanor nodded, I followed her out of her room to the hallway, where Danny and Mollie were laughing with each other. Danny saw us both and smiled.

"We're having a baby!"

I couldn't contain my excitement, and ran over to Mollie to give her a tight hug, trying not to touch her stomach, I was very over cautious about that sort of stuff.

"Congratulations dude!" James and Danny shared a 'man hug'

"You're gonna be Uncle James and Auntie Eleanor from now on." Mollie laughed

"That makes me sound old! Stop!" I laughed

- A Few Hours Later -

Mollie and Danny decided they wanted to tell everyone the news straight away, so he gathered everyone for a meal at his house, it was a bit awkward with Dougie and Frankie, but they were sat far from each other, and didn't really speak.

"So, Mollie and I have some news..." Danny began, standing up like he was some sort of king.

"She's pregnant!" Matt laughed

Mollie and Danny's faces dropped "Well, um, she is actually!"

Matts eyes widened "Seriously!? I was joking! I'm telling you, I predict everything!"

"Congratulations!" Tom smiled at both Danny and Mollie, this was also followed by many other 'congratulations'

"A wedding and a baby to look forward to!" Una smiled

"To the happy couples!" Harry smiled, raising a glass

"To the happy couples!" Everyone else chorused.

We decided to order pizza, as Danny couldn't cook anything else, and we knew this would be the easier option!

"I'm stuffed!" James laughed

"I don't think I'm ever going to eat again." Vanessa laughed

"That's a lie!" Rochelle winked

I smiled, then noticed Danny taking away the plates

"I'll do that!" I smiled "You go and relax!"

"No, no, you're the guest!"

"You've had a long day, Danny. Now, let me do it!" I laughed

"Fine!" He replied sticking his tongue out

I walked into the kitchen and placed the empty boxes in the bin, before putting the plates in the dishwasher.

"Need any help?"

I looked up to see Dougie staring at me

"No, it's okay, you go and relax!" It was still a little awkward between us.

"I hear you and James are engaged?" I knew he was going to bring that up.

"We are..." I replied

"Well, congratulations." He said, picking his thumb

"Thanks" I replied, the conversation was getting awkward.

"I broke up with Frankie."

"Yeah, she told me." I didn't look at him at this point.

"I did that for you."

"Well, thanks again." I said, laughing nervously

"I thought things might have changed between us. Oh well." He smiled, then walked out of the room.

What is that supposed to mean?

- Authors Note -

A bit of a short chapter again, sorry! Anyway, I don't really know what to say apart from, thank you for reading and commenting and voting! It means a lot!

Quick question: After this is finished, do you guys want a sequel to this or something completely different? Let me know!!

Vote, comment, be fab.

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