I don't want to see him.

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- James' Point of View -

I'd been home for a shower and decided to drive back to the hospital as Eleanor hadn't left since yesterday and I wanted to be with her. I'd bought some clean clothes for her to change into.

I just kept thinking about the last conversation that we had, about us having a baby, there's nothing I'd love more than to have a baby with Eleanor, even if it was too soon, I want this a lot! The wedding is less than a week away, and I'm so excited! It's going to be amazing!

I found a car parking space near enough to the entrance and next to Eleanor's car, I grabbed her clean clothes and made my way into the hospital, before I saw Matt storming past me, not even saying hello.

"Matt!" I shouted

He turned around to glare at me "Don't even speak to me."

"What? What are you on about?"

"Inviting Charlie to your wedding without asking me first, thanks a lot."

"Matt I-" I didn't even know what to say

"Save it" He replied "Oh, and find a new best man. I'm not coming anymore."

I felt a lump in my throat, my best friend wasn't coming to my own wedding!?

"You don't mean that! You've got to come! You're my best man!"

He sighed "Why don't you ask Charlie instead." He turned around and made his way out of the hospital, not even looking back at me.

My own best friend wasn't coming to my wedding!? My best man! The man I trusted with my life wasn't coming because of Charlie. I should of known it was a bad idea to invite him.

I made my way into the maternity area, where I found Eleanor and Dougie sat waiting.

"Hi." Eleanor smiled, her face dropped when she saw my facial expression "What's wrong James?"

"Matts not coming to the wedding.." I sat down "He knows about me inviting Charlie, and now he doesn't want to come.."

"It's all my fault." Eleanor said, almost whispering

"You told him?"

"I didn't mean to, it just slipped out..."

I stood up "You knew I didn't want him to know!" I snapped, luckily there wasn't many people in the waiting room with us.

"He was going to find out sooner or later! The weddings in a week James!"

She was right, he would of gone mad at the wedding if he was there and I didn't tell him.

"But what can I do? He's not even coming...."

"The best thing to do is leave him to calm down." Dougie replied "He'll come round."

I nodded, I hoped that Dougie was right.

"He wouldn't miss his best friends wedding." Eleanor said, whilst stroking my arm "You're best friends, he wouldn't want to let you down."

"I hope not." I replied, I just hoped that Matt would forgive me.

- Eleanor's Point of View -

I made my way to see Mollie, she'd had a shower and looked a little more comfortable than before.

"Hi." I smiled "Someone looks cheery!"

"I am! I feel much better after a shower and now I can spend extra time with this beautiful little lady." She put her hands in the cot.

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