It's what I want.

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

I stared and gasped at James as he knelt down on one knee, did he really just ask me to marry him? We'd only been seeing each other for over a month? Most couples wait till over 5 years until marriage!

"I....I don't know what to say..." I stuttered

He looked down and sat back on the sofa "I understand if you say no, it just felt right.."

"You know I love you James." I began "But we've only been seeing each other for over a month, most people don't even tell each other they love each other at that point! And here you are, proposing..."

"It was stupid of me, I know." He said, putting his head in his hands.

"You're not stupid James. I don't not want to marry you, but it's far too soon at the moment, besides you need to meet my parents first..."

"That's true...I'm worried they won't like me."

"Stop worrying!" I smiled, but truthfully, I was as worried as he was about him meeting them.

- Mollie's Point of View -

~ A Few Hours Later ~

"So, what's he like?" Dad asked me, we were preparing dinner ready for James to meet mum and dad.

"He's apart of McBusted..." I said, setting the table "I don't know much about him."

"He's a little old for Eleanor.." Mum said, helping me "He's more your age range, Mollie."

"I don't want him! I have Danny anyway."

"You should have invited him!" Dad shouted from the kitchen

"He's busy today" I shouted back "Besides, you need to get to know James."

"I just hope he's good enough for Eleanor." Mum said, walking back into the kitchen.

"They're here now." I said, checking my phone.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and Eleanor and James appeared, holding hands.

"Mum, Dad, this is James." Eleanor smiled, feeling proud of her relationship.

"Hi.." James replied quietly, shaking both Mum and Dads hands.

"Sit down James." Dad smiled "Dinner will be served soon!"

James sat down, as did Dad, whilst Eleanor, myself and Mum all entered the kitchen.

"He looks younger than what I expected." Mum began

"But that doesn't hide his age." I replied

"Will you just shut up." Eleanor snarled "You haven't even given him a chance! You don't know what he's like at all!"

"Eleanor...stop it" Mum said rubbing her shoulders "Why don't you go and sit down with your Dad and James."

"Don't worry. I will." She said before leaving the room.

"Stop being so immature Mollie. If Eleanor loves him, then that's her decision. Not yours."

"But I'm on-"

"I know you love her and want to help her, but she's 22, she can make her own mind up."

"Fine." I groaned "Better go join them."

- James' Point of View -

I felt pretty sick, I felt like I was 16, I hate meeting parents, I just want to impress them, but I always feel like I mess up.

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