Why did she say that?

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

"So, yeah. That's basically what happened, and now we're engaged." I had met up with Becky at her house, I hadn't seen her for a while.

"I can't believe it!" She squealed "You're marrying a member of McBusted!!"

"It's not just about that." I laughed "I don't just love him because of McBusted."

"Wait, wasn't Charlie your favourite member of Busted?" She asked

"Yes, but that's not the point! I was 10!"

She laughed "Better not mention that to James!"

"Oh shut up! Speaking of James, he's coming to pick me up later, if that's alright?"

"Of course it is!" She beamed "He can come in for a drink if he wants, it's no trouble."

"Great! I'll text him" I smiled.

James came over and spoke to Becky for a while, she seemed so happy that I was with him, I hoped because of how much we love each other and not because he's in McBusted.

"So, who's single out of the boys?"

"Becky!" I said, shocked

James laughed "It's fine. At the moment, it's only Dougie really.."

"That's fine with me! Set me up with Eleanor!"

James' face dropped, I laughed a little, I felt uncomfortable.

"Oh, I forgot sorry..."

"It's fine." James replied "Anyway, I'm happy with Eleanor and that's all that matters."

"That's true." I smiled before leaning in, planting a kiss on his lips.

"Yuck!" Becky frowned

"You're just jealous!" I laughed.

James and I finally decided to leave after a few hours, Becky was so happy, she hugged James, then me, before we got in his car.

"She's funny" James laughed

"She's great." I replied "I love her!"

"Are you gonna ask her to be your maid of honour?"

"I never thought about that!" I said sinking back into my seat "Of course she will be! I can't believe this is real."

"Neither can I." James replied "I'm so glad I'm marrying you."

"And I'm twice as glad!" I winked

"Cheeky!" James laughed, before starting the car and pulling out of Beckys drive.

"Where d'ya wanna go? Yours or mine?" He asked

"Mine." I replied "It'd be good for you to speak to Mollie."

"Yeah. It'd be good to get along with her."

We arrived at my house, Mollie and Una greeted us in the living room.

"Congratulations!!" Una shouted, running towards James and I, pulling us into tight hugs.

"Thank you!" We both said

"I can't believe it, you're growing up!" She said, pinching my cheeks.

"Stop it!" I laughed, shoving her hands away.

"Come sit down!" Mollie smiled, patting the space next to her "You too James."

He hesitated a bit, but sat down next to her, I was happy that they were both putting effort in.

"Frankie's coming over soon." Mollie said, looking at me directly.

"Awesome." I replied, although I wondered what it would be like seeing her again.

"I'll make us a drink." Mollie smiled "Do you like tea James?"

"I love it!" He beamed

I loved how they both made effort, it made me happy, and they both knew it did.

"Frankie's here!" Una shouted, seeing her through the window.

"Let her in, Eleanor." Mollie shouted from the kitchen.

"Alright." I sighed, I felt nervous, I opened the door and she seemed shocked to see me.

"Oh, hi Eleanor."

"Hi." I replied "Come in."

"You look nice today." She smiled.

"You too." I replied quickly, I didn't know what to say to her.

- A Few Hours Later -

"It's your turn to do the dishes Eleanor!" Mollie smiled

"No it's not! I did them yesterday!"

"And you're doing them again." She laughed

I stuck my tongue out at her and collected the plates

"Want some help?" James asked

"No, it's fine." I smiled, he was so caring.

I entered the kitchen and placed the played in the sink, letting the water run. Suddenly, I heard the door open and then close, it was Frankie.

"I told them I was helping you." She said

"Oh, okay." I replied

"Look, I know we haven't been friends recently, but I really think we should move on from this."

"I want to as well, I just don't want to have the conscious of knowing about you and Dougie."

"You don't have to worry about that anymore." She replied "He broke up with me. We're not together."

"You're not?" I didn't think Dougie would actually break up with her!

"No. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone else, it's just our secret."

"Sure." I replied "I won't tell anyone."

She smiled "Congratulations anyway, on the engagement."

"Thank you" I replied, carrying on with washing up.

"And on the pregnancy." She whispered.

I stopped what I was doing "Pardon me?"

"The pregnancy, I know, don't worry!"

"I'm not pregnant?"

"You don't have to cover it up Eleanor! It's a wonderful thing. Does James know?" She placed her hand on my arm.

"No, he doesn't know. Because there's nothing to tell! I'm not pregnant."

"We found a pregnancy test in the bin." She whispered.

"That doesn't mean it's mine?"

"Mollie's told us it's yours Eleanor, stop hiding it"

My face dropped "What? She told you I was pregnant? I'm not! Why did she say that?"

"Because you are! She said you told her."

I was so confused "But I didn't! I'm not pregnant."

"It's scary Eleanor, I know, I've been through it. But you can do it! You just need to tell James, he deserves to know."

"What do I deserve to know?" We both turned around to see James stood in the doorway, staring at us.

- Authors Note -

Who's pregnant!? Is Eleanor lying or telling the truth? You'll have to find out next time :P

So, friends stick together is over 1,000 reads and I'm sooooo grateful!! Thank you to everyone who's read it! Even if it was a little glance, thank you!!!! And if you're reading this bit, thank you!!! I know I'm really boring, but thanks for dealing with me!!

Anyway, I still need someone to be Dougie's new love interest! And yes, I could use Ellie, but to fit the storyline, the love interest needs to not be famous :)


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