But I'm a fan!?

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I stared at the door for a good few minutes, McBusted were here!? No wonder Frankie was so upset! I hadn't been told the full story of Frankie and Dougie, but I knew that things didn't end very well, which then led to Dougie turning to drink and drugs, and eventually going to rehab. People were hard on Frankie because of this, the Galaxy Defenders blamed her for everything, but the truth was, Frankie did care about Dougie, she was devastated when he went to rehab.

My thoughts were interrupted by voices from the other end of the door.

"They're being interviewed now." I heard a Bolton accent say, it must be Danny.

"I can't see her." I heard Dougie say, he seemed as torn up as Frankie.

"Excuse me? Are you alright?" I spun around, to find Tom Fletcher, the guy who I recognised from picking up my change earlier.

"Yeah" I replied, he must have thought I was a right idiot for standing outside his changing room door. The truth was, I'm a HUGE Mcfly and Busted fan, I was absolutely thrilled about McBusted! But, of course, I had to keep quiet about it.

Tom stared at me "I feel like I recognize you from somewhere..."

He can't know, can he?

I shrugged my shoulders "You've probably seen me in one of your concerts before"

He squinted his eyes "Yeah probably" he replied, still a little unsure.

"You can come in if you want?" He said, opening the door, where I could see half of James.

I looked behind me, thinking of the girls, but at the same time, I wanted to meet my idols!

Tom closed the door behind me, and I was greeted with 5 sets of eyes, just staring at me.

"Guys this is...whatever her name is!" Tom said, waiting for me to say my name.

"Eleanor" I replied

Matt jumped up and gave me a hug, as did Danny, followed by me meeting the rest of the boys, all but Dougie.

"So what brings you here?" Harry asked

Well shit. I couldn't tell him!

"I'm doing some work experience here" I lied "I want to be a journalist"

"Awesome" James said, taking a sip from his water

"Guys! it's time to go!" A man said entering the room, the same guy who wired up the girls earlier. This meant they were finished with their interview.

"You're welcome to stay here, Eleanor. " Tom said

"Sure" I replied, but as soon as they leave, I'm going!

Tom followed the others out of the room, what I didn't realize was Dougie hadn't followed them. He was still sat down.

"You're not a journalist." He murmured

"Pardon me?" I said, scared to give him eye contact

"You're not a journalist. I know who you are"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said, giving a fake laugh

"You're Eleanor, Mollie's sister. I recognize you."

How did he know!?

"Yeah... I am" I replied

"Did she send you in here? Frankie?"

"No! no of course not. I was just exploring, when I came across your dressing room and Tom invited me in. I honestly didn't know you guys were here."

He gave a half-hearted smile "Did she mention me?" he whispered

"A little, yeah." I said, not knowing if I'd said too much.

"I don't hate her, I really don't." he said, this time facing me

"I never said you did. She doesn't hate you either, Dougie. But you've got to remember you're both happy now, and that's all that matters."

Dougie smiled "Thanks!" he then stood up and grabbed his guitar "I better go, the boys'll kill me for being late again!"

"Have fun!" I smiled

"Thanks, Eleanor." He replied, then quickly running to find the rest of McBusted.

I stood up, this dressing room was a mess! I tried my best to tidy up the cushions, but it was no use. I figured I should probably go back to find the girls now. I closed the boys' dressing room door and made my way back to the girls dressing room, it was at the other side of the building, I wonder why.

When I reached the girls, Rochelle greeted me straight away

"Where've you've been?" She asked

"Just exploring, I got bored waiting."

"You were with McBusted, weren't you?" she seemed disgusted with me.

"Fine. Yes I was! I don't see the problem."

She grabbed my arm and took me to the side, far away from the other girls.

"Dougie is Frankie's ex! Friends don't hang around with friends' ex's!"

I opened my mouth and closed it again, maybe Rochelle was right.

Mollie soon followed us, she obviously knew too.

"Rochelle!" Frankie shouted from afar, she stopped glaring at me, and followed Frankie's orders. Now, I had to deal with Mollie.

"Come on, let's go home." She sighed

Mollie called us a taxi, she seemed to not want to talk to me, It's not like I've committed murder!?

"How's Nathan?" Mollie asked, I'd been on a few dates with Nathan Sykes, from The Wanted. He was a sweet guy, but he's always busy, which prevents us from going out together on dates.

"He's good, I think." I replied "I haven't spoken to him in a while."

"Why don't you text him? Ask him on a date?"

"I don't want to come across as needy!" I laughed

Mollie gave a little smile, and began to stare out of the window.

"Do you think it was wrong of me to speak to Dougie?" I asked

She stared at me directly "No, I don't know. I mean, I'm still friends with him, sort of. And I stay in touch with Danny, but its just awkward now."

I nodded

"I don't think you should develop the friendship though."

"Why not?" I asked

"Because, we're friends with Frankie. It's wrong."

"But I'm a fan!?"

"So what? You never choose boys over friends, Eleanor. Never"

She carried on looking out of the window, the journey fell to a deathly silence.

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