You can be friends with him.

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- The Next Morning -

I woke up to find James beside me, his arm was wrapped around my waist, which made me wonder whether or not I was being embraced or trapped. I was filled with regret from last night, I did like James, but just as a friend, nothing else. I felt him move, before he woke up to stare at me.

"Morning." He said rubbing his eyes, he then pulled me closer to him, and kissed my shoulder, this wasn't supposed to happen.

"Morning..." I replied, I managed to get free from James and sit up "I should probably go now, I don't want to over stay my welcome..."

"No, it's fine! I'll make you some breakfast if you want? Or we could just stay in bed..." He winked, did he think we were together?

"I don't want to be any trouble..."

"You're not!" He beamed "You stay here and I'll make you something!" He reached over and kissed me softly on the lips, I gave a little smile and watched him walk out of the room.

I quickly rushed over to find my clothes, so I could get dressed, I felt horrible, I'm the worst person ever! How do I break it to James that we're not actually together?

James returned into the room as I was getting changed, I quickly pulled my cardigan over me.

He laughed "It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." He winked

I blushed, as if I wasn't embarrassed already!

"I've made you coco-pops" He smiled, sitting on his bed and staring at me getting dressed.

"Thanks." I replied, pulling my jeans up so I was able to drop my cardigan, it was awkward with him staring at me. I never thought he had feelings for me? He never showed it before.

I eventually followed James downstairs and ate the breakfast he'd made, he carried on speaking about last night...

"I really enjoyed know, last night." He blushed and hid his head a little as he said it.

"So did I" I replied, I did feel guilty, but, I did have fun.

"I'm glad it happened." He smiled

I smiled, and carried on eating my breakfast.

"And, I was wondering, whenever you feel like it, I don't expect you to say yes straight away..."

"Get to the point!"

"Sorry...I was just wondering if you'd...want to go on a date?"

I didn't know what to say, I still wasn't really over Nathan, and I didn't know how I felt about James.

"Um, yeah that'd be great! But, if its okay, not straight away...with everything's that happened, I don't want to make you feel like a rebound, because you're not."

He gave me a smile "That's fine! I honestly thought you'd say no!"

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. So, we're not together, but, we can still have sex, right?"

I laughed "I suppose! But it's a secret!"

"I'm sure I can keep it!" He stood up and took my bowl.

"That means you're not allowed to Matt! Or any of the other guys!" I said, pulling on his arm.

"I won't! You can't tell Mollie!"

"I won't!"

He smiled and made his way back into the kitchen, it may be a little too soon for me to move on, but I know I will develop feelings for James, it'll just take a little more time.

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