It was nice seeing you.

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- A Few Days Later -

Today, I was meeting Dougie again, he was coming over for dinner, but, what he didn't know was Frankie was also coming over.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Mollie asked, as I began to prepare the main course.

"Yeah! They both obviously want to speak to each other again, but are too afraid. And, this was Frankie's idea!"

"I know, but you know what she's like, she says one thing and means another. What if she has a panic attack!?"

"Mollie!" I put down the baking tray I was holding "She's not going to! I'm not locking them in a room together, am I? It's dinner between four friends."

Mollie looked down, then back up to me "Four friends? Who else have you invited?"

"You didn't think I was going to let you get out of this, did you?"

Mollie groaned "Are you kidding me?"

"Come on, it'll be fun!" I smiled "Just like old times...but a little awkward."

"Does Dougie know Frankie's coming?"

"No...but I'm sure he'll be fine with it."

"You better hope so, I don't want Danny Jones knocking on the door again."

"Mollie! Calm down!"

She sighed, and I carried on cooking my main course. Of course, I had thought about the things that could go wrong tonight, but, I feel like this could be a good thing that they're reuniting, they can be around each other without feeling awkward.

"Frankie just text me, she's bringing Parker over too as Wayne's busy tonight." Mollie said, reading her phone

"Oh okay, I'll have to find some baby food."

"This isn't a good idea. What's Dougie going to think when he sees Parker? He'll think she's rubbing it in his face!"

I bit my lip, maybe Frankie bringing Parker would make it worse, they always used to discuss them having kids when they were together, it must be hard for Dougie to see Frankie with Parker.


It was now 7pm, the time I'd told Frankie and Dougie to come over. Mollie and I spent a couple of minutes setting the table, as we knew they'd be late. They did it on purpose.

"I feel sick." Mollie said, setting out forks.

"Shut up." I replied, but I felt rather sick too, maybe this was a bad idea.

Before I could even continue my thoughts, I was interrupted by the doorbell.

"I'll get it." I smiled, trying to come across as confident and positive to Mollie.

Dougie was the first to arrive, he came prepared with a bottle of wine, and some flowers.

"Oh, Dougie. You shouldn't have." I mocked

"I don't even know what type of wine this is, but it was cheap, so." He said, handing me the bottle.

"Are the flowers for me too?" I winked

"If you like, it was a buy-one-get-one-free offer."

"You're so romantic." I laughed and we made our way to Mollie.

"Mollie!" He said, reaching out to hug her, she didn't hesitate and gave him a huge hug.

"Hi Doug! Wow, you've grown." She smiled

"'re still the same height."

"You haven't changed." She laughed

They both sat down on the sofa, catching up with each other, but I needed to tell Dougie.

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