You don't know unless you try.

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It had been 50 minutes since I called Dougie, so I decided I should get ready to go and meet him. I felt terrible for what I was about to do, but I figured if I told him, he would probably understand. Well, I hope he will. I quickly applied some of my make up, before changing into my jeans, I then made my way into town, I caught the bus this time.

"Thanks!" I said to the bus driver as I got off, he grumbled and gave me a little smile, he seemed like he loved his job!

I made my way to Costa, I assumed Dougie wouldn't be there yet, as he's always late. I walked in, and decided I'd get a drink first, I figured I'd be waiting for a while for Dougie. I was stood in the queue, for what seemed like ages.

"Are you in the queue?" I asked the man in front of me, he turned around, and he revealed to be Danny.

"Danny..." I said, shocked he was there.

"Yes. I am." He said briefly "Dougie's over there." He pointed to him, he was wearing a hoodie and had his hood up, probably trying to avoid fans.

"Right, okay." I said, about to make my way over to him, before Danny stopped me.

"Have you bought her along, too?" He said, I assumed he meant Frankie.

"No, I haven't. And her names Frankie!" I said, before shoving past him and walking over to the table Dougie was sat at.

"Hi" I smiled

He looked up and smiled, before motioning for me to sit down.

"I hope you don't mind that Danny's here...he wanted to come..."

"It's okay...I'm guessing he still doesn't trust me."

Dougie sighed "No, but I trust you."

I smiled

"So, what was it you wanted to speak to me about?"

"Well, I-" I was interrupted by Danny sitting down next to Dougie.

"Don't stop on my account." Danny said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Danny, can you let us speak alone, please?" Dougie asked

He groaned but eventually agreed, and made his way over to another table, he was still close to us. But, better than nothing I suppose.

"Anyway, what was you saying?" He said, this time he removed his hood from his head, so I could see his full face.

"It's just, the situation." I began "I want to be friends with you again, I really do. But, I feel it'd be too awkward..."

"Why?" He frowned

"Just with Frankie...I don't know what she'd think..."

"Oh." It was silent for a while, before he spoke again "Does she not know?"

"No. She doesn't know anything about it. But Mollie and Rochelle do, and they didn't think it was a good idea."

"I don't want to pressure you, but, you are you're own person. Just because they don't want you to do something, you're going to listen to them? I thought you didn't let anyone tell you what to do."

Why does everyone keep saying that?

"I don't want to upset Frankie." I said, fiddling with my nails.

"It seems your decision is final." He stood up "I'll see you around." He mumbled, then made his way to Danny. This isn't what I wanted.

"Wait! Dougie!" I shouted, he made his way over again.

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