I'm not coming anymore.

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- Mollie's Point of View -

"Do you want to hold her?" Jess asked, I stared into my baby girls eyes, she was crying uncontrollably, and I honestly felt like I was going to do the same. Her fingers, toes, nose, and mouth were so tiny, I could eat her all up!

Jess handed me her and I fell in love straight away, she was my baby! I made her! Well, with the help of Danny anyway.

"She's so beautiful." Danny gasped, carefully holding her tiny hands "She definitely takes after you!"

Eleanor laughed "I feel like I want to cry! I have a niece!!"

I smiled at her, I was so happy, it was almost worth all the waiting and the pain. She's perfect.

"Do you have any names in mind?" Jess asked

"Not yet." I smiled "She's just baby Jones at the moment."

Danny looked at me "You want her surname to be Jones?" He seemed shocked

"Of course." I smiled "I want her to have her daddy's surname"

He kissed the top of my forehead "I love you." Then carried on staring into our baby's eyes.

- An Hour Later -

- James' Point of View -

We'd received the news that Mollie had given birth and we were able to see her, and the baby of course!

I was the most excited out of the guys, I was an uncle! Well, sort of! It was still so exciting!

We made our way into the room, Mollie was holding a tiny baby, she looked so beautiful. Eleanor and Danny looked like they were going to cry.

"Wow, she's so tiny!" Dougie exclaimed

"Looks like Buzz has a new girlfriend!" Tom laughed

"She's not allowed any boyfriend!" Danny laughed "Not till she's 30 anyway."

"Can I hold her?" I asked, I've always wanted children myself, and maybe Eleanor is the one I have them with.

"Sure." Mollie smiled, passing her over to me, she was so delicate and precious, I didn't even dare stand up whilst holding her, I didn't want to drop her!

"Do you have a name yet?" Harry asked

Danny sighed "No. It's harder than you think."

"I still think you should name her after a Disney Princess." Eleanor smiled, Mollie groaned "And then, when I have a daughter, I'll name her after another Disney Princess and they'll have that in common!"

"Because that isn't sad at all..." Harry replied sarcastically

"Shut it!" Eleanor laughed, then made her way over to me to look at the baby.

"We'll give you guys some space, anyway." Matt said, which made everyone else begin to move. I gave the baby back to Danny then followed Eleanor out.

"She's cute." I said, catching up with Eleanor.

"She is, I can't believe she's here already!"

"Me neither." I paused "I want a baby."

Her eyes widened "You do?"

"Well yeah, do you?"

She nodded

I smiled "We'll see what happens after the wedding." I gave her a hug then grabbed her hand as we walked back into the waiting room.

- Eleanor's Point of View -

Myself, Dougie and Matt were the only people left in the waiting room now, my mum and dad were with Mollie and Danny and the rest of the boys had gone home to get showered as Matt and Dougie already had done.

"You guys don't need to wait here with me, you know." I said, as Dougie looked like he was falling asleep.

"No, it's fine. You should probably go home and get changed though." Matt suggested.

"It's okay, I'd rather stay here."

"Mollie's fine!" He laughed "And Danny's with her."

"I know, but still."

I fiddled in my pockets to find my phone, when I came across a little piece of paper crumbled in my pocket, Jess' number.

"Oh, Dougie, I have something for you." I said pulling it out

He sat up from slumping in his seat to listen.

"Jess wanted me to give you this." I said, handing over the piece of paper.

He grabbed it and stared at it for a while "Wow, her number..."

"Someone's pulled!" Matt laughed

"Is she here?" Dougie asked me

"I don't know, the last time I saw her was when she was delivering Mollie's baby."

"Oh." He sighed "Would you mind if I invited her to the wedding?"

"Um, well, I don't really know, maybe, depending on the guest list."

"You don't want her to come, basically." He sighed

"No, it's not that! I just don't know how many guests there are, and with James inviting Charlie the other day, I've lost count!"

Matts eyes widened "Hold on, go back a second, James invited who?"

I paused, I forgot that Matt didn't know about Charlie. James was supposed to tell him!

"He....he invited Charlie."

"As in the guy that broke up our band? Nice one."

"Hey, it's not like that! He invited you and James to his wedding! James wanted to return the favour."

"I don't care! Charlie made our lives hell! I don't want him there."

I frowned "Well, it's not your wedding. So you're going to have to deal with it."

"No, I won't. I'm not coming anymore." And with that, Matt made his way out of the room.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes before Dougie finally spoke "So can Jess come then?"

I sighed "Of course she can."

Although I was more worried about Matt not coming, James would be heartbroken.

- Authors Note -

Oh dear! Matts not going to the wedding anymore! Or do you think he'll change his mind?

Anyway, still looking for names for baby girl Jones! Got a few that I like already :) I'm wondering whether or not to name her after a Disney Princess actually! That'd be so cute!

So, Friends Stick Together is nearly ending! *aaaaaawwwww* but don't worry! I'm writing a sequel for it, with more drama than you can imagine! So make sure you're ready!

Comment, vote, be rad!!

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