I hope you're happy with yourself.

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- James Point of View -
Eleanor had been gone for a while, I knew that I'd upset her, I didn't mean to, I thought she wanted to keep quiet about our relationship? I love her, I really do.

"Any sign of Eleanor?" Mollie asked me, she'd been looking for her everywhere, and had asked me to keep an eye out, although I hadn't.

"No" I replied

"Okay, well tell me if you do. I don't like to think of her alone and upset." She said, before going back where she came from.

"She's 22 for gods sake." Matt scoffed "She probably went home because she's bored.."

I shrugged "Yeah. Maybe."

"What's wrong with you?" He asked "Is there something I don't know?"

"It's nothing." I replied, I didn't know what Matts reaction would be, and I didn't want to risk him telling everyone!

"Every time Eleanor's name is mentioned, you go all quiet.."

"Matt, just leave it."

"Do you fancy her?" He teased "I don't blame you, she's pretty, but quite young for you?"

"Stop it." I turned my back away from him, so he couldn't look at me.

"You do, don't you?"

I spun back around "I don't fancy her! I love her!"

Matt widened his eyes "You love her?"

"Yes. And she loves me, we're together Matt, we have been for a while."

"I wasn't expecting that..." He replied

"And you can't tell anyone either! It's a secret. Eleanor and I will tell everyone when we're comfortable with it."

"I won't. Does anyone else know?"

I thought about telling him about Dougie, but stopped, as I knew Matt would have questions as to why he knew.

"No. You're the first" I replied

"I feel quite special" Matt smiled "Well, as long as you're both happy, I'm happy for you!" He said before pulling me into a 'manly' hug

"Thanks." I replied "Also, I'd prefer it if you didn't say anything to Eleanor about it either.."

"Will you stop worrying!" He laughed "I won't!"

All of a sudden, we were interrupted by Mollie and Danny

"Matt, would you mind driving us to my house?" Mollie asked

"Why do you want to go there?" Matt asked "in fact, I don't want to know..."

"We think that Dougie might have taken Eleanor home, Harry said he saw him speak to her earlier."

Matt glanced over at me and back at Mollie "Right, yeah. I'll drive you." He said

"I'll come too." I replied, I didn't like the thought of Dougie being alone with Eleanor.

"No it's fine James." Danny said "You stay here."

"No. I want to come!" I said, raising my voice a little.

"Okay.." Mollie replied. Everyone was a little unsure as to why I wanted to come, but I didn't want to risk it.

- Eleanor's Point of View -

"I'll be fine Dougie. Stop fussing." I said , trying to make him go back to rehearsing, but he insisted on sitting with me.

"Are you sure?"

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