One thing leading to another.

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I woke up at around 1pm the next day, I was so tired from yesterday, I got up at 5am AND I went to a McBusted concert! Aren't I 'rock n roll'.

I'd forgotten to close the curtains, so the sun was beaming into my window, and into my face. I rolled over and decided to get up, today would definitely be a lazy day! I walked into my bathroom and poured cold water all over my face, it didn't wake me up at all. I stepped into the shower, nearly falling asleep, I wish I could sleep all day. I stepped out, and dried myself, then got changed into some leggings with my 'The Saturdays' t-shirt Mollie had bought me, I miss her. I decided to call her.


"Mollie!!!! How are you?"

"I'm good! How's things with you!?"

"They're great!" I replied "How's L.A?"

"Soooo sunny! I'm dying over the heat!"

"Stop bragging!" I laughed

"How was things with Nathan?"

I paused in confusion, I forgot I'd told her I was with him last night.

"They' good."

"Did you, you know?" She smirked

"No!!" I laughed "Who do you think I am?"

I heard Vanessa laugh in the background

"She didn't do anything Ness!" I heard Mollie say "Anyway, gotta dash! The pool is calling! Love you lots!"

"Oh shut it you!" I laughed "Love you too" I hung up and placed my phone on the side, it made me happy speaking to her. I carried on my journey to downstairs and made some breakfast, or lunch? I poured some cereal and decided to watch some TV as I did. There was nothing on, so I decided to go on Twitter instead, when I came across Nathan's tweet.

'Finally back in the UK!'

He'd been in America for what felt like forever, maybe I should call him? But I don't want to come across as needy...

"What the hell" I said to myself, I unlocked my phone and clicked on his ID

"Eleanor!" He said, answering his phone, he always answers straight away.

"Hi! I saw your tweet" I beamed "How was the trip?"

"It was good! I always love being in America, you know me"

"Yeah I do." I smiled, whilst playing with my hair "I'm glad you're back"

"I've missed you." He said, quieter than what he'd been before.

"And I've missed you." I said, copying his tone of voice. Nathan and I had never really admitted our feelings to each other, but I could sense he felt the same way, I really hoped that things would develop between us.

It was silent for a few seconds, before Nathan spoke again.

"How's Mollie?" He asked

"She's good! I've just came off the phone with her actually."

"She's in L.A isn't she? I saw her tweets."

"Yeah! How lucky is she!? I wish I'd gone."

"Aw." He replied "Are you all alone now?"

"Yeah." I mumbled

"Not anymore! How do you fancy dinner tonight?" He suggested

"That sounds great!" I smiled, I was hoping he'd ask.

"Great! I'll pick you up later! Bye!"

"Bye!" I said, before hanging up and putting my phone on charge. I jumped around for a bit, I was so happy to be seeing Nathan, I needed someone to talk to. I made my way upstairs to find an outfit for tonight, I needed something nice! I came across a pink dress, I hadn't wore this in a while, it seemed nice, what I didn't notice, was the huge stain imprinted on the back.

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