It's not like you're dating Dougie.

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I was going to a McBusted concert tonight. The girls would absolutely hate me! Our seats were quite near the back, so they wouldn't see me, not until we go backstage anyway... I'm screwed.

Becca was picking me up in an hour, I had no idea what to wear, I hadn't been to a concert in a while, well, apart from seeing the girls. I found a dress to wear, it was flowery and fit the weather outside, it was absolutely gorgeous. For once.

I still felt terribly bad for going to this concert, and the fact I had to hide it away from my own sister made me feel worse. It was like I was cheating on her! All because of one concert! I was starting to think this was a bad idea, the boys would notice me, especially Dougie. I don't want to make things worse for him!

I grabbed my denim jacket and sighed as I looked into the mirror, I looked decent enough, I think.

I'd left my door unlocked, so Becca could come in, it saved me answering the door as I most likely wouldn't be ready.

"It's only me!" Becca shouted, entering the door. I heard her footsteps, indicating she was coming up to my room. She was wearing her Mcfly top with jeans and converse.

"Someone's dressed up!" she laughed, looking at me up and down

"It's warm." I replied "And I don't have anything Mcfly or Busted related to wear."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me!" she replied, sitting on my bed "I want to impress the boys too."

"What? I'm not impressing anyone?"

Becca laughed "Oh please. I bet you have a little crush on Dougie!"

"What!? Are you serious!? Have you forgot the whole situation?"

Becca stopped to think, she bit her lip as she remembered the whole Frankie/Dougie situation.

"Sorry" She said, almost whispering

"It's okay." I said breifly. "Anyway, isn't it time we should be going?"

Becca looked at her phone "Yeah! I'm so excited!!" She said jumping up and hugging me, I was too, if I'm being completely honest.

We made our way into Becca's car and drove to the arena.

"So, does Frankie hate Dougie then?" She asked

"No. She doesn't. It's just awkward as they haven't spoke to each other ever since Dougie went into rehab."

"It must be awkward, I mean, what would they say to each other?"

"I don't know" I sighed "Try not to mention anything about it tonight, though."

"I won't, I won't." She smiled "Do you think the boys would recognise you?"

"Yeah, they know who I am, well, Dougie does anyway."

"Oh! I forgot to ask about the interview yesterday! I can't believe they put them on the same show!"

"I know" I said, straightening out my dress

"Did you go with them?" She asked

"Yeah. I spoke to the boys actually, they didn't recognise me. But Dougie did."

She bit her lip "Whoops. Was he angry?"

"No, he was fine. He was actually really nice!"

She smiled "He is, isn't he!" carrying on her fan-girling.

We finally reached the venue, there was hardly anywhere to park, so Becca paid a security guard to find us a space, she really shouldn't have done that.

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