What does he want from you?

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I woke up the next morning, next to Nathan of course. He was still asleep, and still naked under the covers, I had managed to put on my underwear. I reached over to look at my phone, 10am. I seem to be getting up later than usual lately.

I managed to slip out of bed without Nathan noticing, I made my way to his bathroom and began to wash my face, I did enjoy last night, but part of me felt that it was a mistake. But I like him, so surely I shouldn't feel this bad, right? My thoughts were disturbed by the sound of Nathan waking up, I heard his footsteps coming closer and closer, until I spotted him leaning against the doorframe, he had his underwear on this time.

"I thought you'd left!" He said, watching my every movement.

"What do you take me for!" I laughed

He smiled, before reaching over and giving me a hug, and kissing my cheek.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asked

"Of course!" I replied

He lent me one of his shirts to wear, as I only had my dress from last night, I followed Nathan downstairs and slumped on the sofa.

"I'll make your breakfast then, shall I?" He laughed, throwing a tea towel at me.

"Well, I am your guest!"

He smiled, but carried on placing bread in the toaster.

"You like bacon don't you?" He asked

"Who doesn't?" I laughed

"Good. Even if you didn't like it, I'd still make you eat it!" He replied, handing me over the plate

"Whatever" I mumbled

We spent most of the morning talking and watching TV, I forced him to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S, he said he didn't like it, but he did secretly! He just didn't want to admit it!

It was 11am, I decided I should probably go back home, as I didn't have any clothes with me, and I wanted to have my own company, I hadn't been alone in a while.

"I'll take you home!" Nathan offered, I allowed him to drive me back, as I didn't want to walk. But, I felt bad for not inviting him in, I just wasn't really in the mood for talking.

"Thanks!" I said, kissing Nathan on the cheek, I watched him drive away, before unlocking my door, and making my way to get a shower. I felt terrible.

As soon as I'd had a shower, I got dressed and laid on my bed, whilst checking my phone. I had a missed call from Becca, I figured I should probably call her to see what she wanted.

"Finally!" She answered "What's the point of having a phone if you don't answer!?"

"Oh shut it you!" I laughed "What's up anyway?"

"I just wanted to know what you're doing today."


"Want to come round my house for a bit?" She offered

"Um, no thanks. I'm not really in the mood today."

"Can I come round to yours? I need friends today." She seemed down

"Okay" I replied, she's always helped me when I've been down, the least I can do is help her.

I dressed myself in a little more appropriate clothing, and I straightened my hair a little, as it was a mess. I'd left the door unlocked, so Becca could just come in.

"It's me!" She shouted from downstairs

"Hello!" I said, rushing downstairs and giving her a hug

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