I'll always be your sister.

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- Dougie's Point of View -

"Doug, hurry up!" Harry shouted, I was taking too long in the bathroom on purpose, I don't think it's fair that I have to give up my Sunday to rehearse.

"Coming." I shouted back, although I was being really slow.

"You're doing this on purpose, you dickhead."

"What makes you think that." I smirked, flushing the toilet.

I started to wash my hands, before the door was forced open by Harry, who ran over and picked me up like a bride, taking me downstairs and outside into his car.

"I hate you" I said, trying to get out, but he was too strong.

"You've been a naughty Dougie, so you're sitting in the back." Harry said in his baby voice, he always does that around me.

"Fine. I don't care." I replied, sticking my tongue out at him, he was one of my closest friends.

We arrived at the studios, to find Tom and Danny waiting, impatiently.

"Here they are!" Danny shouted

"Don't blame me! It was all him." Harry pointed at me.

"I'm not even gonna lie, it was my fault." I laughed "Anyway, you can't moan at us, where's Matt and James?"

"They're outside" Tom replied "James is still a little pissed with you though, Doug. Just a warning."

"I don't care, he was the one in the wrong! Not me!"

"Calm down." Danny said, holding my shoulder "You'll be fine."

Suddenly, Matt and James appeared from the hallway, James didn't look at me properly and Matt aimed a half hearted smile at me.

"Right, we're all here. Let's go and do some shit." Tom said, before Matt stopped him.

"Actually, there's something James wants to say..."

"No, it's fine. It doesn't matter" he replied, brushing it off.

"Tell them!" Matt was trying hard to urge him "It's wonderful news!"

"What is it?" Harry asked

"Yeah, tell us!" Tom agreed

"Fine, the other day, I asked Eleanor to marry me..."

I felt a lump in my throat. What did he just say?

"You proposed? Did she say no?" Danny laughed

"Well, yeah she did, bu-"

Tom, Harry and Danny began to burst out laughing, I joined them, before James began to glare at me.

"Anyway, as I was saying." His tone was angrier "She said no at first, but then yesterday, she said yes!"

Danny stopped laughing "So you're engaged?"

"Yes, we're getting married." James smiled

"Congratulations!" Tom smiled, pulling him in for a hug, which Danny and Harry joined.

"Join in Doug!" Matt said, noticing I was staring into space.

"No, it's okay. I'm just going outside for a bit."

- Eleanor's Point of View -

I hadn't been home in a few days, and I hadn't spoke to Mollie in days, I felt terrible. She's my sister and I shouldn't be like this with her!

I turned my key and entered the house, taking a deep breath as I did.

"Hello? Mollie?"

She was sat down on the sofa, watching Sex and the City, she always watches it when she's sad.

"Eleanor..." She said quietly

"Can we talk?" I asked, sitting beside her.

She paused the TV and focused her attention on me.

"Look, I don't want to fight with you, I just want you to be my sister.."

"I'll always be your sister."

"But I want you to respect my decisions. I'm happy, and that's the most important thing."

"You're probably the happiest you've been for years." She replied

"I know, I really love him Mollie. I've never felt this way about anyone before."

"He seems nice. I was a bitch for judging him the way I did."

"It's fine, honestly."

"Did you accept his proposal in the end?" She asked

"I did...."

"I'm happy for you." She replied "If you want to marry him, then do it! He's amazing and so are you."

"I love you." I smiled

"I love you too!" She replied, before pulling me into a tight hug. I had my sister back again!

- Authors Note -

Quite a short chapter tonight! Sorry! So everyone is happy at the moment :) but will it last? Probably not!

Anyway, I'm going to be adding some new characters in it soon! But I thought it would be great if I let one of you guys be in it! So, I'm looking for a love interest for Dougie :) if you're interested then comment below!! There will be more characters needed soon :)

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