Here's your little girl!

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- Danny's Point of View -

"Thank you London!!" I shouted down the mic before leaving the stage through the 'green pole' which was supposed to look like it was from Mario Bros!

I had to quickly get off the crash mat as I knew Matt was coming after me, and he'd probably fall on me.

"That was amazing!" James said, giving everyone a high five

"It was probably the best show we've done!" Tom smiled

"Did you see my jump!?" I exclaimed, I was proud of my landing too.

"No." Matt laughed "I didn't really care!"

"Shut up." I laughed

Suddenly, Gi and Izzy rushed through the double doors.

"Danny!" Gi shouted, she looked out of breath and looked like she'd been panicking.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, I was rather worried.

"Mollie's in labour, she's gone to the hospital. You need to go, now!"

My eyes widened "What? How come no one told me!?"

"We'll explain later!" Izzy said pushing me out the door "Just go!"

"I'll come with you!" James said, joining me running out of the arena and into one of the security guards cars, who kindly took us to the hospital.

When we arrived, I quickly ran into the main entrance, not even caring about anything else but Mollie and the baby, I didn't want to miss my daughter being born!

- Eleanor's Point of View -

2 hours had passed and still no baby. Mollie kept getting painful contractions, but that was it. This baby wouldn't budge.

"I hate being pregnant!!" Mollie shouted

"Sshhh" I replied "Maybe she doesn't want to come out because you're being so noisy!"

Mollie glared at me "Don't give me that crap, Eleanor."

"Because you know I'm right." I laughed, sticking my tongue out.

"And where's Danny!" Mollie shouted, again.

"I hear someone's in labour!" Mollie and I both turned around to see Jess.

"Not quite yet." Mollie groaned

"I'll have a look." She smiled, before checking everywhere.

"So I was dilated 8cm like two hours ago. So I must be 10 now? Right?"

Jess gave her a sympathetic look "'re around 9, which is still close...just not close enough."

Mollie groaned

"I'll get you some water." I said, rolling my eyes. Jess followed me out.

"Could I ask you something?" She said, touching my shoulder slightly.

"Yeah, sure." I replied

"You know if I gave you something, would you promise me to give it someone?"

I frowned "Well, yeah. Depending what it is?"

"It's a little unprofessional. But, Dougie asked me for my number the other night and I didn't give it him as I was unsure. But, I decided I want him to have it, so could you give it him?" She handed me a piece of paper

"Um, yeah sure I can." I replied, well that was weird?

"I'll just go and check on a patient then I'll get back to your sister." She smiled "Thank you Eleanor!"

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