Chapter 1

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I was asleep against the window in the car it was cold outside I just love fall so much I was about to change my position in the car to get more comfortable when all the sudden the truck went over a giant bump and my eyes shot open when my head hi...

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I was asleep against the window in the car it was cold outside I just love fall so much I was about to change my position in the car to get more comfortable when all the sudden the truck went over a giant bump and my eyes shot open when my head hit the window.

"Ow!" I say rubbing the side of my head in a sleepy voice.

"Oh sorry honey I didn't know there was a bump." My mom said looking over at me then back at the road.

"But hey look we're pulling up to our house!" She said turning into the driveway.

She parked and we got out and we opened up the back of the moving truck with our car attached to the back of it too.

My mom was carrying all the boxes for the kitchen and I carried the boxes for the furniture in the living room.

As I was about to get another box I looked to my right and I saw a very attractive guy across the street but he was pressing a girl up against his car making out with her and I just minded my business and got more box's and took them inside.

"Jennifer can you please go to the grocery store and pick up some things for us please?" My mom asked.

"Oh yeah sure of course, what is everything you want me to pick up?" I asked her.

"Umm just some things you would like for dinner and I'll cook it." She said as she smiled.

"Oh um sure ok." I say and she gives me the keys and when I'm about walk out when she calls my name.

"Yeah mom?" I asked turning around.

"Thankyou I love you." She says and have me a slight smile.

"I love you too." I say and smile and I walk out and a cold breeze hit me and I shoved my hands into my hoodie pocket and got in the car.

As I was about to start it the boy I saw when we pulled in was outside mowing the grass with his shirt off he had very toned abs and my jaw dropped.

He looked over at me and I quickly looked in front of me and started the car and backed out of the drive way.

I turned on the radio and it was playing 'something about you' by eyedress.

She looks just like a dream...
The prettiest girl I've ever seen
From the cover of a magazine

I pulled into a parking space and I got out and locked the car and I went into the store.

I was getting everything I needed when I saw a girl who looked like she was looking for something she almost looked lost.

"Hey are you looking for something?" I asked her trying to help.

"Yeah I'm looking for aisle 12 and I just cant find it." She said still looking around.

"Oh it's just right over there." I say pointing to the sign.

"Oh um Thankyou so much, What's your name I never really see you around here?" She asked me.

"Oh I just moved her literally today my names Jennifer." I say as I smile.

"Oh well hey I'm Jacklynn um what high school are you going to?" She asked me.

"Oh I'm going you to Jason-view high." I said

"Oh my god no way I go there too how about you give me your number and I can update you on everything and I can you give you a ride tomorrow." She said to me.

"Oh umm yeah sure." I say and we exchange number and I give her my address.

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow Jennifer bye!" She says and smiles and walks off.

I just wave and smile and I get the rest of the things I need and I go home.

I got inside carrying all of the groceries to the nice heat the made me warm after being outside.

"Hey mom I'm home!" I shout and put the groceries on the island.

"Hey honey Thankyou for doing this." She said searching through the bags.

"No problem but I made a friend at the store and it turns out she goes to Jason view too!" I say excited.

"Oh how fun see I told you that you would make friends." She said to me.

"Yeah I guess your right." I say and I go up to get ready for bed and I ate dinner and I headed to bed.

Hey I'm sorry that this first chapter is kinda long but I hope your enjoying so far I got some shit planned so just wait for that! Anyways I hope you have a good day/night/afternoon or wherever you are make sure to eat and drink water bye!

Word count: 809

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