Chapter 24

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Jennifer POV:

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Jennifer POV:

I was sitting in my bed holding a Polaroid picture of me and Liam and all of this makes me so upset. Why would he do this after everything? I seriously just cant believe it.

I then heard my mom knock on my door.

"Come in!" I sniffled.

"Hey honey so- oh my god honey what's wrong are you ok?" My mom asked sitting by me on my bed.

"It's just boy problems they all suck." I say as I hid the picture under a pillow on my bed.

"Oh honey I know trust me." My mom said as she hugged me.

"I mean of course you know because of my horrible dad and your horrible ex husband." I tell her as I look down.

"Yup exactly." She says.

"I'm sorry mom what we're you going to tell me?" I ask her wanting to change the subject.

"Well do you want to hear about my date?" She asks me smiling.

"Oh my gosh yes please." I say sitting smiling.

"Well dinner was amazing he took me to this nice place uptown and it was really good and then we just took a nice little walk and it was so amazing." She said.

"Oh my mom I'm so happy for you, I'm glad you found someone possibly." I tell her and hug her.

"Oh but guess what!" She said excited.

"He has a son your age and he was wondering if we wanted to go over there for dinner tonight and I just wanted to check with you to see if you were ok with it first." My mom said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh my god yea that will be fun!" I say with a smile.

"Ok good I'll let him know I think you'll really like his son." My mom said with a smile and left my room.

I then heard a knock on my window and saw Liam peer through the window.

I rolled my eyes.

"Go the fuck away Liam I have nothing I want to say to you." I tell him as I shut my curtains.

"No Jenn please let me explain I know what you saw and what I said give me a chance to explain please." I here him say.

I crack my window only a little bit.

"Alright then explain I wanna hear it so say it." I tell him as I sit by my window.

"Look I'm pretty sure Ava slipped me something or I was just plastered and I didn't mean to call you a slut and I was horribly drunk I didn't mean for it to be like this." He said as he looked at me through the window.

"Liam look listen to me, I think maybe we shouldn't hang out anymore it's just this all has damaged me so bad and I just don't think this is good anymore." I say looking at him.

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