Chapter 26

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As soon as we got there we all jumped up out of the car and we ran inside the hospital and Liam held the door for all of us

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As soon as we got there we all jumped up out of the car and we ran inside the hospital and Liam held the door for all of us.

"Hey, we're here for Cooper Reed, what room is he in?" Rachel asked.

"Are you family?" The clerk asked.

"No, but please he's our best friend." Jacklynn said.

"I can't let you in if your not family." The clerk said.

"Alright listen you." Liam said pushing past us. "You need to let us in if he dies we don't get to say our goodbyes and we'll never see him again do you really want to cause us all that pain? Why would you?" Liam asked.

We all had shocked expressions on our faces.

"Ok fine, 10 minutes, room 131." The clerk said and everyone started running towards the elevator.

"Thank you ma'ma." I say and chase after them.

"Hurry up Jenn Jeez." Liam said.

I rolled my eyes.

Rachel pushed the button and we all were waiting anxiously for the elevator to get to the floor we were supposed to be on.

The elevator dinged and Liam ran out and we chased after him to the room and when we all got to the room we stood in the doorway and saw Andre and Xavier sitting on either side of the bed of Cooper.

All of our faces had worried looks on our faces.

Andre and Xavier got up and came to hug us all.

"Jeez Coop." Rachel said as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"Did Nev come with you guys?" Andre asked us.

"No, she's at a family thing." I answered to him.

"I know but she said she's coming." Andre answered.

"How long has he been asleep?" Liam asked.

"A couple hours I was very hesitant to call you guys." Andre said crossing his arms.

We then heard footsteps running down the hallway.

"Hey." Nevaeh said as she appeared in the doorway and hugged Andre as he cried.

"Oh baby I know i'm so sorry." Nevaeh comforted.

I went over and rubbed Liam's back while he cried by Cooper's side.

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