Chapter 18

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I was sleeping with Liam's arms still around my waist but woke up to my phone ringing I looked at it and it was my mom

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I was sleeping with Liam's arms still around my waist but woke up to my phone ringing I looked at it and it was my mom. I groaned and answered it.

"Hey mom how you been?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"Hey honey I've been good, I have great news!" She says excited.

"Really what?" I ask sitting up.

"I'm an hour away from home, i'm coming home today!" She says with a laugh from the other side of the phone.

I heart fell to my stomach. Tonight? The house is a mess.

"I thought you would be gone longer?" I ask concerned.

"Yes but I got finished early my boss sent me home." She said as I heard a loud crash in the background making me pull my phone away from my ear.

"Sorry honey there is chaos at the airport right now." She said.

"Uh it's ok mom but um I'll see you soon. Yeah?" I ask.

"Yeah I'll see you soon bye." She says as she hangs up.

I rush out of bed and brush my teeth and put my hair up and run downstairs.

I looked all around the house and wow what a mess.

I started with pick up the trash and throwing it away all the cups and can lying around it took two trash bags.

I picked up some glasses that were lying around and put them in the sink I'll do them later.

The house reeked like alcohol so I sprayed it wish some air freshener ALOT and lit some candles to make the horrible smell go away.

I put the pillows on the couch and reorganized the whole entire living room and swept and vacuumed.

I started on the dishes finally and put them in the dishwasher and ran it so it would be clean for my mom to get home.

I got a lot down in that short hour.

My phone then dinged noticing my mom texted me that she was pulling in the neighborhood and I then remember Liam was still here and I ran upstairs.

I got to my room and jumped on him

"Liam Liam Liam wake up now hurry!" I say shaking him.

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