Chapter 8

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Next morning I woke up my ass and legs were still sore from last night I could barely walk and it all felt like a dream, sure he was hot but I couldn't see myself with him and I think he feels the same way hopefully

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Next morning I woke up my ass and legs were still sore from last night I could barely walk and it all felt like a dream, sure he was hot but I couldn't see myself with him and I think he feels the same way hopefully.

I got ready and finishing up when there was a knock at my door.

"Oh come in." I reply

It was my mom.

"Hey mom what's up?" I ask her

"Hey sweetie so I got a call from my boss and he's giving me a promotion..." She said slightly smiling.

"Wow mom that's amazing!" I say excited.

"But I'll have to take a business trip for 2 months." She said to me.

"Oh wow." I say kinda sad because me and my mom did everything together and now she's leaving hopefully it won't be that bad without her.

"I'm sorry I have to leave but it will be better for us...right?" She reassured.

"Well yeah I'll just miss you." I say as I hug her.

"I'll miss you too but I leave before you get home from school so I got someone just to check in on you not to 'babysit' you." She said to me.

"Oh ok who?" I ask her.

"Laura Peters next door." She says smiling.

I froze

Laura Peters doesn't know I am fucking her son if she finds out she'll go ballistic since Liam said their family wants Ava and him to get married.

"L-Laura Peters??" I asked stuttering.

"Yes shes very sweet she will only be here to see how you are that's it." She tells me.

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